我在elif myanswer ==「1」上收到ELIF錯誤:行 它說的語法錯誤然後指向elif的結尾。 感謝您的幫助,我真的很感激。無效語法elif python錯誤
#if statements to make the first scenario run
while not gameOver:
myanswer = getanswer()
elif myanswer == "1":
print("nothing happens, the dog just waits")
elif myanswer == "2":
print("You nobely decide to fight the dog.")
#if statements to make the second scenario run
while not (belly and head and tail):
myanswer = getanswer(["1","2","3","4"])
if myanswer == "1":
print("You scratched the dog on the head with your claws")
head = True
elif myanswer == "2":
print("You bite into the dog's soft belly")
belly = True
elif myanswer =="3":
print("You cut off the dog's tail with your razor sharp teeth")
tail = True
elif myanswer =="4":
print("You carefully retreat some steps away from the dog")
print(situation1) #return to the main loop
break # leave the dog loop
break # leave the dog loop and leave main loop
# dog loop was leaved correctly
print("The dog bleeds from head, tail and belly and runs away."
"You are victorious! Congratulation, you have won the game")
gameOver = True #leave the dog loop correctly
elif myanswer == "3":
print("You run away, but the dog is faster than you and eats you whole!."
"The dog eat you. Game Over")
gameOver = True
print("Try again and thanks for playing")
變化的第一個'elif'到'if',因爲你只能有一個'elif'是也有一個'if'聲明。 https://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/controlflow.html – martijnn2008
因爲它'elif'具有** no **尾隨'if'條件,可以將其更改爲'if'或添加一個'if'語句它上面。此外,您在相同的縮進級別使用2個'break'語句,並且不會按預期工作。 – ZdaR
你只能在if後寫elif。第一個應該由'if'替換 –