public class ItemReply
public Guid ID { get; set; }
public Guid? ParentID { get; set; }
public int Level { get; set; }
public string Remarks { get; set; }
public DateTime CreatedOn { get; set; }
public string CreatedBy { get; set; }
public ItemReply(DataRow row)
ID = GetGuidFromRow(row, "ID", 0);
ParentID = GetGuidFromRow(row, "ParentID", null);
Remarks = GetStringFromRow(row, "Remarks", string.Empty);
Level = 1;
CreatedOn = GetDateTimeFromRow(row, "CreatedOn", DateTime.UtcNow);
CreatedBy = GetStringFromRow(row, "CreatedBy", string.Empty);
public class ItemComparer : IComparer<ItemReply>
IDictionary<Guid, ItemReply> itemLookup;
public ReplyComparer(IEnumerable<ItemReply> list)
itemLookup = list.ToDictionary(item => item.ID);
foreach (var item in list)
public int SetLevel(ItemReplyitem)
if (item.Level == 0 && item.ParentID.HasValue)
item.Level = 1 + itemLookup[item.ParentID.Value].Level;
return item.Level;
public int Compare(ItemReply x, ItemReply y)
// see if x is a child of y
while (x.Level > y.Level)
if (x.ParentID == y.ID)
return 1;
x = itemLookup[x.ParentID.Value];
// see if y is a child of x
while (y.Level > x.Level)
if (y.ParentID == x.ID)
return -1;
y = itemLookup[y.ParentID.Value];
// x and y are not parent-child, so find common ancestor
while (x.ParentID != y.ParentID)
if (x.ParentID.HasValue)
x = itemLookup[x.ParentID.Value];
if (y.ParentID.HasValue)
y = itemLookup[y.ParentID.Value];
// compare createDate of children of common ancestor
return x.CreatedOn.CompareTo(y.CreatedOn);
List<ItemReply> replies = GetRepliesFromDataSource();
replies.Sort(new ReplyComparer(replies));
的順序和層次結構似乎正常工作。但是,SetLevel方法無法正常工作。 SetLevel的用途主要用於確定從UI角度縮進回覆的距離。爲了演示,想象下面的層次結構:
- Root
-- Child 1
--- Grandchild A
--- Grandchild B
-- Child 2
--- Grandchild C
'SetLevel()'方法代碼在哪裏? – sll