2013-07-02 196 views


<project  xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" 
      xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd"> 

    <name>OSGi Service Example</name> 
    <description>Adobe Developer Support OSGi Service Example</description> 
    Credit: This example is based on Moritz Havelock's http://in-the-sling.blogspot.com/ 

    I suggest you use the most current versions of the plugin's. 
    Search the Central Repository for the most current versions http://search.maven.org/ 

    Use the search strings below and update the appropriate versions 

    // Felix 
    g:"org.apache.felix" a:"org.apache.felix.framework" 
    g:"org.apache.felix" a:"maven-bundle-plugin" 
    g:"org.apache.felix" a:"maven-scr-plugin" 
    g:"org.apache.felix" a:"org.osgi.core" 
    // Maven 
    g:"org.apache.maven.plugins" a:"maven-compiler-plugin" 
    // Sling 
    g:"org.apache.sling" a:"maven-sling-plugin" 
     <!-- Felix --> 
     <!-- Maven --> 
     <!-- Sling --> 

      <!-- Maven will compile our source java classes using 
      the "project.build.java.version" specified --> 
      <!-- this will install the OSGi bundle into Sling for us 
      we now upload the jar file automatically when we build with this plug-in --> 
       <!-- This will create the OSGI-INF for us that handles the Activator Class for us 
       we now auto-generate the details in our bundle with this plug-in--> 
       <!-- This will create the OSGi /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF for us 
       we now auto-generated the filea for us with this plug-in --> 
         <Bundle-Vendor>Kurt Mossman</Bundle-Vendor> 
          Inserting content into the JCR and installing some files on the server with your bundle. 


           The first line will overwrite the contents of the node at content/osgitest with test.json 
           NOTE: uninstall:=false says that it will not remove the content when I remove the package. 
            This could be set to true to also remove the content when the package is removed the choice is yours. 

           The second line will overwrite the path will install the files and overwrite them if you re-install. 
      <!-- use the surefire plugin to run the test cases 
      we use a thread count of 4 to increase the performance of the test time. --> 

當我運行mvn install命令時出現以下錯誤。

"Unresolved references to [org.osgi.service.component] by class(es) on the Bundle-Classpath[Jar:dot]: [com/adobe/support/examples/com/adobe/support/examples/osgi/service/SampleServiceImpl.class]" 


問候, 安德森









它開始在我的pom.xml除去進口包裝元素 謝謝:)後,開始工作 – user2532663