2016-03-15 52 views


// check if array is empty 
if(sameValArr.length === 0) 
    $(this).hide(); // hide current video thumbnail item 
else // not empty 
    $(this).show(); // show current video tbumbnail item 




// check every time the user checks/unchecks inputs to show/hide the video 
function checkboxChanged(videoTags) 
    var checkedAttr = []; // array for checked attributes 
    // change event listener for whenever one or more of the following checkboxes have been checked/unchecked 
    $('#category-list :checkbox').change(function() 
     checkedAttr = []; // refresh and initialize new array values 
     $('#category-list :checkbox').each(function(i, item) // loop thru the input checkboxes 
      if($(item).is(':checked')) // item is checked 
       checkedAttr.push($(item).val()); // add it to array 
     console.log("checkedAttr: ", checkedAttr); 
     console.log("init videoTags: ", videoTags); 

     // loop through each of the thumbnails to see if video tags match those in checkedAttr array 
     $('.video-thumbnail').each(function(i, item) 
      console.log(i + " videoTags: ", videoTags); 

      // TODO: 
      // 1. compare the two arrays if there's any matching values in both 
      // 2. if yes, store the matching value in a new array; otherwise do nothing 
      // 3. check the new array if it isn't empty 
      // 4. if empty, hide the video; if not empty do nothing (show video) 
      var sameValArr = []; // refresh array values 
      console.log("INTERSECT: ", arrayIntersection(checkedAttr, videoTags));  // print resulting array intersection 
      sameValArr = arrayIntersection(checkedAttr, videoTags); // store same matching array intersection values 

      // check if array is empty 
      if(sameValArr.length === 0) 
       $(this).hide(); // hide current video thumbnail item 
      else // not empty 
       $(this).show(); // show current video thumbnail item 




你檢查了什麼結果'console.log(this)'? – DontVoteMeDown


@dontvotemedown我沒注意到!它確實只會返回一個視頻縮略圖。必須需要進一步的邏輯才能只定位一個視頻,而不是全部。嗯。 – TheAmazingKnight


是的,你的代碼看起來很好。你有沒有嘗試在'each'的開頭添加一個'debugger'? – DontVoteMeDown




 $('.video-thumbnail').each(function(i, item) 
      console.log(i + " videoTags: ", videoTags); 

      // TODO: 
      // 1. compare the two arrays if there's any matching values in both 
      // 2. if yes, store the matching value in a new array; otherwise do nothing 
      // 3. check the new array if it isn't empty 
      // 4. if empty, hide the video; if not empty do nothing (show video) 
      var sameValArr = []; // refresh array values 
      console.log("INTERSECT: ", arrayIntersection(checkedAttr, videoTags));  // print resulting array intersection 
      sameValArr = arrayIntersection(checkedAttr, videoTags); // store same matching array intersection values 

      // check if array is empty 
      if(sameValArr.length === 0) 
       $(item).hide(); // hide current video thumbnail item 
      else // not empty 
       $(item).show(); // show current video thumbnail item 

'this'表示與項目相同的對象。 – DinoMyte


我使用'item'或'this'工作,事實證明我在if-else語句中添加了'return false'來執行一個break語句,強制它脫離循環並且工作,但是它產生了甚至更多的問題(如隱藏第一個視頻縮略圖,而不是預期的)。從某種意義上說,它仍在努力做到一切。 – TheAmazingKnight
