我知道這是一個noob問題,但我是新來的JSON ...我不能訪問該對象的數據:無法訪問JSON對象的JavaScript
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"snippet": {
"title": "ChrisCodeX",
"description": "Channel Features: wateva\r\n-music\r\n-gaming\r\n-comedy\r\nSubscribe to stay tune!\r\n\r\nFun Fact, to the haters out there:\r\n\r\nBeing an xbox fan isn't wrong but I hope you're being sarcastic and you realize that's a myth evolved from peoples' insistance on proving they were getting their money's worth from XBL.\r\nThe \"online connection\" is determined solely by your personal internet speeds. In other words it has nothing to do with which console you play.",
"publishedAt": "2011-08-09T02:23:58.000Z",
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"title": "ChrisCodeX",
"description": "Channel Features: wateva\r\n-music\r\n-gaming\r\n-comedy\r\nSubscribe to stay tune!\r\n\r\nFun Fact, to the haters out there:\r\n\r\nBeing an xbox fan isn't wrong but I hope you're being sarcastic and you realize that's a myth evolved from peoples' insistance on proving they were getting their money's worth from XBL.\r\nThe \"online connection\" is determined solely by your personal internet speeds. In other words it has nothing to do with which console you play."
$-getJSON(url, function(data){
var url = data.items.snippet.thumbnails.default.url;
但我得到的是錯誤類型錯誤:data.items [0] .snippet.thumbnail是未定義
好,'thumbnail'確實是不確定的。縮略圖不是。您發佈的代碼和發佈的消息不匹配。 –
@FelixKling當然,他們不匹配,因爲我沒有複製回覆,我輸入了它......但你明白我的問題,是嗎? –