我有許多條件列表,我想評估它們的組合,然後我想獲取這些邏輯值的二進制值(True = 1,假= 0)。條件本身可能隨着我的項目進展而改變或增加,所以我希望在腳本中有一個可以改變這些條件語句的位置,而腳本的其餘部分保持不變。從語句向量中獲取邏輯值的數據框
# get the data
df <- data.frame(id = c(1,2,3,4,5), x = c(11,4,8,9,12), y = c(0.5,0.9,0.11,0.6, 0.5))
# name and define the conditions
names1 <- c("above2","above5")
conditions1 <- c("df$x > 2", "df$x >5")
names2 <- c("belowpt6", "belowpt4")
conditions2 <- c("df$y < 0.6", "df$y < 0.4")
# create an object that contains the unique combinations of these conditions and their names, to be used for labeling columns later
names_combinations <- as.vector(t(outer(names1, names2, paste, sep="_")))
condition_combinations <- as.vector(t(outer(conditions1, conditions2, paste, sep=" & ")))
# create a dataframe of the logical values of these conditions
condition_combinations_logical <- ????? # This is where I need help
# lapply to get binary values from these logical vectors
df[paste0("var_",names_combinations] <- +(condition_combinations_logical)
-id -- | -x -- | -y -- | -var_above2_belowpt6 -- | -var_above2_belowpt4 -- | etc.
1 | 11 | 0.5 | 1 | 0 |
2 | 4 | 0.9 | 0 | 0 |
3 | 8 | 0.11 | 1 | 1 |
etc. ....
我認爲在這裏使用eval(parse())沒有任何問題。這是它打算做的。 – dracodoc