var prevId;
function showDiv(id) {
var infoDiv = "#" + id + "-moreinfo";
var plusDiv = "#" + id + "-plus";
var minusDiv = "#" + id + "-minus";
window.location.hash = id;
if(prevId != undefined){
if(prevId.valueOf() != id.valueOf()){
$("#" + prevId + "-moreinfo").slideUp(200);
$("#" + prevId + "-plus").show();
$("#" + prevId + "-minus").hide();
prevId = id;
* removeHash()
* Initiates an HTML5 feature to clean URL hashes.
* Requires HTML5 Standards or IE10 or higher. Safe fallback for older browsers.
function removeHash(e){
/* pushState adds to the browser history, or replaceState which keeps the history uniformly clean */
if (history.replaceState){
/* HTML5 browsers, including IE10+ */
history.replaceState("", document.title, window.location.pathname + window.location.search);
} else {
/* Other browsers */
window.location.hash = '';
return false;
* isNumber(value)
* Boolean function checking if value is numerical.
function isNumber(n){
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
* Manupulates CSS to show css butons on expand and close. Also, expands and closes all violations
if (window.location.hash) {
/* Clean the hash, stripping out the preceding symbol, as showDiv() needs numbers */
var clean_hash = window.location.hash.replace('#','');
var text = $(this).text();
console.log("text " +text);
console.log("clean_hash " +clean_hash);
console.log("text ");
/* Check if the hash is a number before attempting to expand */
if (isNumber(clean_hash)) {
/* tiny wait before scrolling */
window.setTimeout(function() {
/* Uses jquery.scrollto library: http://balupton.github.io/jquery-scrollto/ */
//Scroll down to the item's h3 violation header text.
$('#post-'+prevId+' h3.viol-header').ScrollTo({
duration: 350,
easing: 'linear',
}, 800);
** This shows the content when the user clicks on Expand all and also switches the plus and minus
removeHash(e); //Reset the hash
$("#Show").html("Expand All").addClass("expanded");
** This code hides the ontent when the user clicks on Expand all and also switches the plus and minus
removeHash(e); //Reset the hash
$("div.plus").show().addClass("closed"); ;
$(".message").html("Collapse All");
似乎工作正常,如果你加載你的代碼在正確的地方http://jsfiddle.net/rtxmpq8h/47/ – j08691
我面臨的問題是,如果你注意到當你擴展所有。並嘗試單獨關閉它們。有時其他人也關閉。如何改正cna? – user244394
我在Chrome中看不到這種行爲。 – j08691