2011-09-24 53 views

我在這裏面臨一個奇怪的問題。我已經有了一個簡單的jquery drag-n-drop試用版,它很有用。但是,現在我想將代碼從試用項目移到我現在正在工作的項目文件中。一切都是相同的,但我不能讓丟棄事件被解僱。這實在是急了,請幫助... 我包括我的代碼,以防萬一......jQuery Drop事件不起作用

      cursor: 'move' 

     // Put img resizable is to have the ghost 
     $('.image img').resizable({ 
      ghost: true, 
      stop: function (event, ui) { 
       var eid = $(this).parent().attr('id'); 
       var wid = $(this).width(); 
       var hei = $(this).height(); 
       updateSize(eid, wid, hei); 

     // Variable to hold drop options 
     var options = {}; 

     // Once image re-drop, update its position 
     options.drop = function (event, ui) { 
      // Check image id to check whether image exist or not 
      if (ui.draggable.attr('id').match(/_(\d+)$/) != null) { 
       var element = ui.draggable; 
      else { 

       // Store the clone position 
       var leftPosition = ui.offset.left; 
       var topPosition = ui.offset.top; 
       alert('Left: ' + leftPosition + ' Top: ' + topPosition); 

       // Variable to generate new image id 
       var counter = new Date().valueOf(); 

       // Create the clone 
       //var element = ui.draggable.clone(); 

       // Assign new id for clone element 
       var oldID = ui.draggable.attr('id'); 
       alert('old id ' + oldID); 
       ui.draggable.attr('id', (oldID + '_' + counter)); 

       // Call CreateContainer 
       createContainer(ui.draggable, oldID, topPosition, leftPosition); 

有包括你的jquery.js和jquery-ui.js – Rafay


嗨,我包括: – shennyL
