2010-09-30 55 views




 // the surface that we are focusing upon 
    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); 

    // capture all screens in Windows 
    foreach (Screen screen in Screen.AllScreens) 
     // increase the Rectangle to accommodate the bounds of all screens 
     rect = Rectangle.Union(rect, screen.Bounds); 

    // create a new image that will store the capture 
    Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(rect.Width, rect.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); 

    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) 
     // use GDI+ to copy the contents of the screen into the bitmap 
     g.CopyFromScreen(rect.X, rect.Y, 0, 0, rect.Size, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy); 

    // bitmap now has the screen capture 

謝謝你的幫助......還有什麼其他方法可以讓它更快嗎?因爲我的項目對屏幕的複製速度應該很慢...... – 2010-09-30 03:21:46


GDI +方法並不是世界上任何度量標準中最快的。你打算怎麼做? – Michael 2010-09-30 14:21:23