2016-12-26 252 views


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echo "<table border =1>"; 
for ($i=1;$i<=7;$i++) { 
    echo"<td width='30'height='30'></td>"; 

你似乎有2個問題。 1:你想要的html。 2:如何在PHP中生成它。從解決問題開始1.問題1的提示是在表格中包含表格。 – Aaron




<html lang="en"> 
    <meta charset="utf-8"> 
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
// Initialize table markup buffer 
$table_markup = "<table border='1'>"; 

// Itinerate rows 
for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) { 
    $table_markup .= "<tr>"; 

    // Itinerate columns 
    for ($j = 1; $j <= 6; $j++) { 

     // Define Cell ID 
     $td_id = "cell-".$j.$i; 

     // Create Cell content 
     if($i == 1 && $j <> 1){ // Radios for first row, ignore first cell 
      $radio_value = "radio-top-".$j; 
      $td_content = "<input type='radio' name='top' value='".$radio_value."'/>"; 
      $td_class = ""; 
     }else if($j == 1 && $i <> 1) { // Radios for first column, ignore first cell 
      $radio_value = "radio-right-".$i; 
      $td_content = "<input type='radio' name='right' value='".$radio_value."'/>"; 
      $td_class = ""; 
      $td_content = ""; 
      $td_class = "noradio"; 

     // Put Cell on table row 
     $table_markup .= "<td id='".$td_id."' class='".$td_class."' width='30'height='30'>".$td_content."</td>"; 
    $table_markup .= "</tr>"; 

// Finalize table markup buffer 
$table_markup .= "</table>"; 

<?php echo $table_markup; // Use this anywhere you want to show your table ?> 

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    // This is the jquery code that does your dynamic manipulations 

    // When click on any radio button 
     // Obtain the value of the checkeds top and right radios 
     var top_val = $("input[name=top]:checked").val(); 
     var right_val = $("input[name=right]:checked").val(); 

     // If both are checked 
     if(top_val && right_val){ 
      // Get their number 
      var top_number = top_val.replace("radio-top-", ""); 
      var right_number = right_val.replace("radio-right-", ""); 

      // Mount cell id for search 
      var cell_id = "cell-"+top_number+right_number; 

      // Clean all cells that dont have radios 

      // Mark found cell 


Thanky太多了。 – V1421