<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="demoapp">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<script src="../bower_components/angular/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="../bower_components/leaflet/dist/leaflet.js"></script>
<script src="../dist/angular-leaflet-directive_dev_mapped.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../bower_components/leaflet/dist/leaflet.css"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
var app = angular.module("demoapp", ["leaflet-directive"]);
app.controller('MixedMOverlaysMarkersNestedNoWatchController', function ($scope, leafletData, $timeout) {
var _clonedMarkers;
$timeout(function() {
//should do nothing (not watched) and only see one destroy
_clonedMarkers = angular.extend({},$scope.markers);
$scope.markers = {};
$timeout(function() {
leafletData.getDirectiveControls().then(function (controls) {
//move all markers by a few decimal points
for (var layer in _clonedMarkers) {
var markerSet = _clonedMarkers[layer];
for (var markerName in markerSet) {
var marker = markerSet[markerName];
marker.lat += .05;
//force manual update
$scope.markers = _clonedMarkers;
}, 4000);
angular.extend($scope, {
markersWatchOptions: {
doWatch: false,
isDeep: false,
individual: {
doWatch: false,
isDeep: false
center: {
lat: 42.20133,
lng: 2.19110,
zoom: 11
layers: {
baselayers: {
osm: {
name: 'OpenStreetMap',
type: 'xyz',
url: 'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
layerOptions: {
subdomains: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
attribution: '© <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',
continuousWorld: true
cycle: {
name: 'OpenCycleMap',
type: 'xyz',
url: 'http://{s}.tile.opencyclemap.org/cycle/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
layerOptions: {
subdomains: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
attribution: '© <a href="http://www.opencyclemap.org/copyright">OpenCycleMap</a> contributors - © <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',
continuousWorld: true
overlays: {
hillshade: {
name: 'Hillshade Europa',
type: 'wms',
url: '',
visible: true,
layerOptions: {
layers: 'europe_wms:hs_srtm_europa',
format: 'image/png',
opacity: 0.25,
attribution: 'Hillshade layer by GIScience http://www.osm-wms.de',
crs: L.CRS.EPSG900913
fire: {
name: 'OpenFireMap',
type: 'xyz',
url: 'http://openfiremap.org/hytiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
layerOptions: {
attribution: '© <a href="http://www.openfiremap.org">OpenFireMap</a> contributors - © <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',
continuousWorld: true
cars: {
name: 'Cars',
type: 'group',
visible: true
bikes: {
name: 'Bicycles',
type: 'group',
visible: false
runners: {
name: 'Runners',
type: 'group',
visible: false
markers: {
cars: {
m1: {
lat: 42.20133,
lng: 2.19110,
message: "I'm a car"
m2: {
lat: 42.21133,
lng: 2.18110,
message: "I'm a car"
bikes: {
m3: {
lat: 42.19133,
lng: 2.18110,
layer: 'bikes',
message: 'A bike!!'
m4: {
lat: 42.3,
lng: 2.16110,
layer: 'bikes'
runners: {
m5: {
lat: 42.1,
lng: 2.16910
m6: {
lat: 42.15,
lng: 2.17110
<body ng-controller="MixedMOverlaysMarkersNestedNoWatchController">
height="480px" width="100%">
<h1>Overlays with nested markers no watchers example</h1>
謝謝回答,我已經實施的解決方案,雖然+1和接受......就像你所分享的例子....歡呼 –