2016-06-13 13 views



這很有趣,所以我繼續寫下一些代碼。將其複製到新模塊中並更改工作表名稱等以適合您的工作簿。您可能還需要重新定義fr(第一行,當前設置爲2)。該代碼目前還將所有更改的訂單號標記爲.Range("C" & r).Font.ColorIndex = 3。刪除/評論它,如果你不想要的話。

Sub matching() 

Dim wb As Workbook 
Dim tws As Worksheet 

Dim keys() As String 
Dim tmpKey As String 
Dim pos As Integer 

Dim fr, lr As Integer   'first row, last row of data 

    Set wb = ThisWorkbook 

    Set tws = wb.Worksheets("Vigmo") 

    fr = 2 

    lr = tws.Range("A1000000").End(xlUp).Row 

    ReDim keys(1 To lr - 1) 

    With tws 
     keys(1) = .Range("A" & fr).Value & "_" & .Range("B" & fr).Value 
    End With 

    For r = fr + 1 To lr 

     With tws 

      tmpKey = .Range("A" & r).Value & "_" & .Range("B" & r).Value 

      If UBound(Filter(keys, tmpKey)) >= 0 And tmpKey <> "_" Then 
       'found in array -> replace orderNumber 
       'On Error resume next 
       pos = Application.Match(tmpKey, keys, 0) 
       'On Error goto 0 

       .Range("C" & r).Value = .Range("C" & pos + 1).Value 
       .Range("C" & r).Font.ColorIndex = 3 
       'not found -> next 
      End If 

      keys(r - 1) = tmpKey 

     End With 

    Next r 

End Sub 



出於某種原因,我得到一個錯誤在這一步 'POS = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(的tmpKey,數字鍵0)' – Vigmo10


,爲什麼你有'Application.worksheetfunction'?只嘗試'Application.Match' – Sun


不是仍然是一個錯誤不知道爲什麼..謝謝! – Vigmo10



Sub OrderNumber() 

Dim SearchTerm As String 
Dim DateTerm As Date 
Dim NumberOfEntries As Long 
Dim wks As Excel.Worksheet 

Set wks = Worksheets("Sheet1") '<==== Sets the workbook. change it to what yours is called 

NumberOfEntries = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(wks.Range("A:A")) '<=== Find the number of entries 

For x = 2 To NumberOfEntries '<==== Goes through all the entries 
    SearchTerm = wks.Cells(x, 1) '<===== The Search term (Carrier) 
    DateTerm = CDate(wks.Cells(x, 2)) '<==== The search Date 
    For y = x To NumberOfEntries '<===== goes through everything below the search term to speed things up 
     If wks.Cells(y, 1) = SearchTerm And CDate(wks.Cells(y, 2)) = DateTerm Then '<=== If the name and the date match then 
      wks.Cells(y, 3) = wks.Cells(x, 3) '<==== Copy the order number 
     End If 
    Next y 
Next x 

End Sub 



我確實嘗試過這種方法,它確實有效!非常感謝解決方案夥伴,我將首先標記Sun作爲答案。對不起!謝謝! – Vigmo10
