2016-08-22 24 views

我想在Azure環境中自動創建虛擬機。一切工作正常,甚至虛擬機使用此腳本創建,但腳本被吊死,每次我必須使用Ctrl + Alt + Delete來結束腳本。在進行調試時,我看到執行被掛在我的代碼的最後一行。所有線路的其餘部分工作正常,只有在到達最後一條線路時纔會處於懸掛狀態。PowerShell Azure新AzureRmVM沒有響應

$result = New-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location -VM $VirtualMachine -Verbose 


if($result.Status -eq 'Succeeded') { 
Write-Verbose ('VM named ''{0}'' is now ready, you can connect using username: {1} and password: {2}' -f $VMName, $username, $password) 
} else { 
    Write-Error 'Virtual machine was not created successfully.' 


[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing") 
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") 

$objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form 
$objForm.Text = "Azure Automation" 
$objForm.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(413, 320) 
$objForm.StartPosition = "CenterScreen" 

#$objForm.AutoScaleDimensions= New-Object System.Drawing.SizeF(6F 13F) 
#$objForm.AutoScaleMode = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font 

# Project Name Label 
$lblProjectName = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label 
$lblProjectName.AutoSize = $true; 
$lblProjectName.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(23, 55) 
$lblProjectName.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(83, 13) 
$lblProjectName.TabIndex = 0 
$lblProjectName.Text = "Project Name" 

#Project Name TextBox 
$txtProjectName = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 
$txtProjectName.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(151, 55) 
$txtProjectName.MaxLength = 9 
$txtProjectName.Name = "txtProjectName" 
$txtProjectName.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(146, 20); 

#Label VM Size 
$lblVMSize = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label 
$lblVMSize.AutoSize = $true 
$lblVMSize.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(23, 97) 
$lblVMSize.Name = "lblVMSize"; 
$lblVMSize.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(53, 13) 
$lblVMSize.TabIndex = 2 
$lblVMSize.Text = "VM Size" 

#Combo VM Size 
$cmbVMSize = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox' 
$cmbVMSize.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(151, 94) 
$cmbVMSize.Name = "cmbVMSize"; 
$cmbVMSize.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(146, 21); 
$cmbVMSize.TabIndex = 3; 

    #Lable OS 
$lblOS = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label 
$lblOS.AutoSize = $true; 
$lblOS.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(23, 143) 
$lblOS.Name = "lblOS"; 
$lblOS.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(106, 13) 
$lblOS.TabIndex = 4 
$lblOS.Text = "Operating System" 

    #Combo OS 
$cmbOS = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox' 
$cmbOS.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(151, 140) 
$cmbOS.Name = "cmbOS"; 
$cmbOS.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(146, 21); 
$cmbOS.TabIndex = 5; 
[void]$cmbOS.Items.Add('Windows Server') 
[void]$cmbOS.Items.Add('Ubuntu Server') 
[void]$cmbOS.Items.Add('Red Hat Enterprise Linux') 
[void]$cmbOS.Items.Add('SQL Data Center') 
[void]$cmbOS.Items.Add('Oracle Data Center') 

    #Lable DB 
$lblDB = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label 
$lblDB.AutoSize = $true; 
$lblDB.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(23, 185) 
$lblDB.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(61, 13) 
$lblDB.TabIndex = 6 
$lblDB.Text = "Database" 

    #Combo DB 
$cmbDB = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox' 
$cmbDB.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(151, 182) 
$cmbDB.Name = "cmbDB"; 
$cmbDB.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(146, 21); 
$cmbDB.TabIndex = 7; 

# Submit Button 
$submitbutton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button 
$submitbutton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(26, 249) 
$submitbutton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23) 
$submitbutton.Text = "Submit" 
$submitbutton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $false; 
$submitbutton.TabIndex = 8 


$Button_Click = 
    #Assign unique number 
    $randomNumber = Get-Random -minimum 1 -maximum 1000 
    #Value taken from UI 
    $ProjectName = $txtProjectName.Text.ToLower(); 
    $VMSize = $cmbVMSize.SelectedItem 
    $OfferName = $cmbDB.SelectedItem 
    #Internal Value 
    $Location = "westeurope" 
    $ResourceGroupName = $ProjectName + $randomNumber 
    $StorageName = $ProjectName + "storage" 
    $StorageSku = "Standard_LRS" 
    $InterfaceName = $ResourceGroupName + "ServerInterface" 
    $VNetName = $ResourceGroupName + "VNet" 
    $SubnetName = "Default" 
    $VNetAddressPrefix = "" 
    $VNetSubnetAddressPrefix = "" 
    $TCPIPAllocationMethod = "Dynamic" 
    $DomainName = $ProjectName 
    $VMName = $ResourceGroupName + "VM" 
    $ComputerName = $ResourceGroupName + "Server" 
    $OSDiskName = $VMName + "OSDisk" 
    $PublisherName = "MicrosoftSQLServer"  
    $Sku = "Standard" 
    $Version = "latest" 

    ## Main Logic to connect VM 
    # Step 1: Install Azure PowerShell 
    #Start-Sleep -s 10 
    New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location 
    Get-AzureRmStorageAccountNameAvailability $ResourceGroupName 
    $StorageAccount = New-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $StorageName -SkuName $StorageSku -Kind "Storage" -Location $Location 

    if(-not $StorageAccount) 
    throw "Unable to find storage account '$StorageName'. Cannot continue." 
    # Enable verbose output and stop on error 
    # Create the VNET 
    Write-Verbose 'Creating Virtual Network' 
    $SubnetConfig = New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $SubnetName -AddressPrefix $VNetSubnetAddressPrefix 
    $VirtualNetwork = New-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -Name $VNetName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location -AddressPrefix $VNetAddressPrefix -Subnet $SubnetConfig 
    # Create the NIC 
    Write-Verbose 'Creating Public IP' 
    $PublicIpAddress = New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -Name $InterfaceName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location -AllocationMethod $TCPIPAllocationMethod -DomainNameLabel $DomainName 
    $InterfaceNic = New-AzureRmNetworkInterface -Name $InterfaceName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location -SubnetId $VirtualNetwork.Subnets[0].Id -PublicIpAddressId $PublicIpAddress.Id 
    # Credentials 
    Write-Verbose 'Entering Credentials' 
    $username = "indmukhe" 
    $password = ConvertTo-SecureString –String "[email protected]" –AsPlainText -Force 
    $Credential = new-object management.automation.pscredential $username,$password 
    #$Credential = Get-Credential 
    # Specify the VM name and size 
    Write-Verbose 'Creating VM Config' 
    $VirtualMachine = New-AzureRmVMConfig -VMName $VMName -VMSize $VMSize 
    $VirtualMachine = Set-AzureRmVMOperatingSystem -VM $VirtualMachine -Windows -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential -ProvisionVMAgent -EnableAutoUpdate #-TimeZone = $TimeZone 
    $VirtualMachine = Add-AzureRmVMNetworkInterface -VM $VirtualMachine -Id $InterfaceNic.Id 
    $OSDiskUri = $StorageAccount.PrimaryEndpoints.Blob.ToString() + "vhds/" + $OSDiskName + ".vhd" 
    $VirtualMachine = Set-AzureRmVMOSDisk -VM $VirtualMachine -Name $OSDiskName -VhdUri $OSDiskUri -Caching ReadOnly -CreateOption FromImage 
    $VirtualMachine = Set-AzureRmVMSourceImage -VM $VirtualMachine -PublisherName $PublisherName -Offer $OfferName -Skus $Sku -Version $Version 
    Write-Verbose 'Creating VM...' 
    $result = New-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location -VM $VirtualMachine -Verbose 
    if($result.Status -eq 'Succeeded') { 
    Write-Verbose ('VM named ''{0}'' is now ready, you can connect using username: {1} and password: {2}' -f $VMName, $username, $password) 
    } else { 
     Write-Error 'Virtual machine was not created successfully.' 

    $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message 
    $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName 

    write-Error $ErrorMessage 
    write-Error $FailedItem 


    exit 1 




嘗試這個 -

if($result.ProvisioningState -eq "Succeeded") 
    Write-Verbose ('VM named ''{0}'' is now ready, you can connect using username: {1} and password: {2}' -f $VMName, $username, $password) 
    Write-Error 'Virtual machine was not created successfully.' 