2017-04-06 46 views



Sub DCFFiveYears() 

Dim x As Double, CF1 As Double, CF2 As Double, CF3 As Double, CF4 As Double, CF5 As Double, DR As Double, Periods As Integer 

DR = InputBox("Enter the discount rate as a decimal. ", "Discount Rate") 

If Periods = 1 Then GoTo OnePeriod 

ElseIf Periods = 2 Then GoTo TwoPeriod 

ElseIf Periods = 3 Then GoTo ThreePeriod 

ElseIf Periods = 4 Then GoTo FourPeriod 

ElseIf Periods = 5 Then GoTo FivePeriod 

End If 

Periods = InputBox("Enter the number of periods.", "Periods") 

    CF1 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-1 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 

    Dim x As Double 
    x = CF1/(1# + DR) 

Range("A1") = x 
    Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 
    Selection.Style = "Currency" 
    Exit Sub 


    CF1 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-1 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF2 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-2 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 

    Dim x As Double 
    x = (CF1/(1# + DR)^1) + (CF2/(1# + DR)^2) 

Range("A1") = x 
    Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 
    Selection.Style = "Currency" 
    Exit Sub 


    CF1 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-1 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF2 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-2 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF3 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-3 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 

Dim x As Double 
    x = (CF1/(1# + DR)^1) + (CF2/(1# + DR)^2) + (CF3/(1# + DR)^3) 

Range("A1") = x 
    Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 
    Selection.Style = "Currency" 
    Exit Sub 


    CF1 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-1 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF2 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-2 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF3 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-3 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF4 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-4 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 

Dim x As Double 
    x = (CF1/(1# + DR)^1) + (CF2/(1# + DR)^2) + (CF3/(1# + DR)^3) + (CF4/(1# + DR)^4) 

Range("A1") = x 
    Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 
    Selection.Style = "Currency" 
    Exit Sub 


    CF1 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-1 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF2 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-2 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF3 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-3 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF4 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-4 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF5 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-5 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 

Dim x As Double 
    x = (CF1/(1# + DR)^1) + (CF2/(1# + DR)^2) + (CF3/(1# + DR)^3) + (CF4/(1# + DR)^4) + (CF5/(1# + DR)^5) 

Range("A1") = x 
    Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 
    Selection.Style = "Currency" 
    Exit Sub 


MsgBox "Invalid input. Code has terminated.", , "Error!" 

End Sub 

與SELECT CASE語句工作 - https://stackoverflow.com/documentation/vba/1873/流量控制結構#噸= 201704062312125690151 – 0m3r





Dim DR as double 

Sub DCFFiveYears() 

Dim x As Double, CF1 As Double, CF2 As Double, CF3 As Double, CF4 As Double, CF5 As Double,Periods As Integer 

DR = InputBox("Enter the discount rate as a decimal. ", "Discount Rate") 
Periods = InputBox("Enter the number of periods", "Periods") 
Select Case Periods 
    Case 1 
    Case 2 
    Case 3 
    Case 4 
    Case 5 
End Select 

End Sub 
Sub OnePeriod() 
    CF1 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-1 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 

    Dim x As Double 
    x = CF1/(1# + DR) 

Range("A1") = x 
    Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 
    Selection.Style = "Currency" 
End Sub 

Sub TwoPeriod() 

    CF1 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-1 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF2 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-2 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 

    Dim x As Double 
    x = (CF1/(1# + DR)^1) + (CF2/(1# + DR)^2) 

Range("A1") = x 
    Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 
    Selection.Style = "Currency" 
End Sub 

Sub ThreePeriod() 

    CF1 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-1 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF2 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-2 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF3 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-3 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 

Dim x As Double 
    x = (CF1/(1# + DR)^1) + (CF2/(1# + DR)^2) + (CF3/(1# + DR)^3) 

Range("A1") = x 
    Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 
    Selection.Style = "Currency" 
End Sub 

Sub FourPeriod() 
    CF1 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-1 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF2 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-2 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF3 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-3 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF4 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-4 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
Dim x As Double 
    x = (CF1/(1# + DR)^1) + (CF2/(1# + DR)^2) + (CF3/(1# + DR)^3) + (CF4/(1# + DR)^4) 

Range("A1") = x 
    Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 
    Selection.Style = "Currency" 
End Sub 

Sub FivePeriod() 

    CF1 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-1 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF2 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-2 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF3 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-3 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF4 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-4 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 
    CF5 = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-5 cash flow", "Cash Flow") 

Dim x As Double 
    x = (CF1/(1# + DR)^1) + (CF2/(1# + DR)^2) + (CF3/(1# + DR)^3) + (CF4/(1# + DR)^4) + (CF5/(1# + DR)^5) 

Range("A1") = x 
    Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 
    Selection.Style = "Currency" 
End Sub 


MsgBox "Invalid input. Code has terminated.", , "Error!" 

End Sub 


Sub DCFFiveYears() 

    Dim x As Double 
    Dim DR As Double 
    Dim Periods As Integer 
    Dim p As Integer 
    Dim CF As Double 

    Periods = InputBox("Enter the number of periods.", "Periods") 
    DR = InputBox("Enter the discount rate as a decimal. ", "Discount Rate") 

    x = 0 
    For p = 1 To Periods 
     CF = InputBox("Please enter the predicted YEAR-" & p & " cash flow", "Cash Flow") 

     x = x + CF/(1# + DR)^p 
    With Range("A1") 
     .Value = x 
     .NumberFormat = "0.00" 
     .Style = "Currency" 
    End With 
End Sub 