2016-05-18 109 views

我正在使用Paypal Expresscheckout(呼叫SetExpressCheckout),並且在填寫客戶結帳表單時,在提交表單後,我在PayPal頁面上收到此錯誤。任何想法?它一直工作到昨天。Paypal Sandbox = PimpAbort with return code 4002

PimpAbort with return code 4002 
File: applogic/web/FinancialInstrument/CreditCard/implementation/CreditCardALIImpl.cpp 
Func: handleCreditCardError Line: 4445 

Backtrace: Utility::WebPimpExceptionHandlerALIImpl::handle_PimpAbortException(PimpAbortException const&, Riprap::WebAppReturn&) Utility::WebPimpExceptionHandlerALIImpl::handle_exceptions(PPException const&, Riprap::WebAppReturn&) MerchantPaymentWeb::exception_handler(PimpWebAppContext const&, PPException const&, Riprap::WebAppReturn&) Riprap::dispatch_loop(Riprap::EPRegistry const&, Riprap::WebAppContext const&, Riprap::DispatchAction&, Riprap::WebAppReturn&, String const&, Riprap::DispatchInterceptorRegistry const&) Riprap::dispatch_wrapper(OutputStream&, Riprap::EPRegistry const&, Riprap::WebAppContext const&, Riprap::WebAppReturn const&, String const&, bool const&, Riprap::DispatchInterceptorRegistry const&) Riprap::entry_point(HTTPInterface&, Riprap::CGIVars&, OutputStream&, String const&, String const&) main 

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它是沙盒.. –