我有一個問題,我希望有人能幫助我做一個查詢來獲取avarage評價是數據庫表。使用mySQLi avg()函數。我的查詢應該是什麼?
[ id | file | Spel ]
在數據庫中的第二個表是 '評論' 3列:
[ id | comment | form_id ]
在數據庫中的第三個表是「game_rating」 3列:
[ id | form_id | rating ]
我創建,所有的遊戲也顯示,並製作成一個鏈接點擊此鏈接,您收到一個ID,並繼續到詳細頁母版頁。 下面是從母版頁的代碼:
//Place all data from this mySQL query in $result.
$result = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM beoordeling");
//While a row of data exists, put that row in $data as an associative array.
while($data = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
//Echo links to all the games in the MySQL database.
echo "<a href='detail.php?id=" . $data['ID'] . "'>";
//Echo the games name.
echo $data['Spel'];
echo "</a>";
echo "<br />";
<!DOCTYPE html>
if(isset($_GET['id'])) {
$id = (int)$_GET['id'];
//Place all data out of the database, with the ID number retrieved out of the url in $result.
$game = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM beoordeling WHERE id = '" . $id . "'");
//While a row of data exists, put that row in $data as an associative array.
while($data = $game->fetch_assoc()) {
$gameName = $data['Spel'];
$fileName = $data['file'];
//CommentList retrieves all comments with id = x.
$commentList = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE form_id = '" . $id . "'");
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" media="screen" />
<title><?php echo $gameName; ?></title>
* @ToDo: Make point system show avarage rating
* @ToDo: Create a webmaster page where you can add games to the list
* and automaticly create game page.
//Retrieve the file name from the database and place it in the <embed> tags as src="...".
echo "<embed width='800' height='512' src='{$fileName}' type='application/x-shockwave-flash'></embed><br />";
//Echo the form with a text box and a rating box.
echo '<div id="game_form"><form method="POST">
<a>Leave a comment</a><br />
<input type="text" name="comments" />
<br /><a>Rate'.$gameName.'</a><br />
<select name="rategame">
<option value="">Select...</option>
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<option value="4">4</option>
<option value="5">5</option>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" />
//Create a table with all the comments
echo "<div id='table_data'><table>";
while($cdata = $commentList->fetch_assoc()) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . $cdata["comment"] . "</td> <br /><br />";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table></div>";
//Submit functionality
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
//Check if comment is entered else set it to an empty string
if (isset($_POST['comments'])) {
$commentText = $conn->real_escape_string($_POST['comments']);
} else {
$commentText = "";
$rate = $_POST['rategame'];
echo $rate;
//If user enters either rate or comment (or both) send a query to table.
//Else only send the query with the users input which the user has entered.
if (($rate >= 1) && ($rate <= 5)) {
if ($commentText === "") {
$sqlrate = "INSERT INTO game_rating (rating, form_id) VALUES ('{$rate}','{$id}')";
$sqlcomment = ""; //Initializing to null to avoid error.
else {
$sqlrate = "INSERT INTO game_rating (rating, form_id) VALUES ('{$rate}','{$id}')";
$sqlcomment = "INSERT INTO comments (comment, form_id) VALUES ('{$commentText}','{$id}')";
else {
if ($commentText !== "") {
$sqlcomment = "INSERT INTO comments (comment, form_id) VALUES ('{$commentText}','{$id}')";
$sqlrate = ""; //initializing to null to avoid error.
//Push query to database
if($sqlcomment) {
if($sqlrate) {
//Close connection to free up resources.
所以詳細信息頁面,我想顯示avarage評級的遊戲。 任何人都可以幫助我做到這一點? :D非常感謝!
感謝這個!有用。我實際上在YouTube上查看了一個用於php評分系統的視頻,當他使用LEFT JOIN加入表格時我非常困惑。我確信我需要這個查詢,所以這實際上是一個緩解,看看它並不是真的有必要。 – Dennis1679
因爲你已經有了'id',所以'join'沒有必要。例如,如果你只有'file'並且希望獲得與該鏈接相關的評分,那麼將會要求加入'join'。 Groetjes。 – trincot