gnuplot的>情節「fileA.dat」使用1:2標題「數據A」,\ 「 fileB.dat」用1:3標題‘數據B’使用python gnuplot.py
def create_plot():
for target in TARGET_LIST:
for protocol in PROTOCOL_LIST:
input_file_name = "%s/%s.db" % (DATA_DIR, target)
shortname = input_file_name.split('/')[-1]
shortname = shortname.rstrip('.db')
input_list = read_lines(input_file_name)
write_plot_file_name = '%s/%s.%s.write.out' % (DATA_DIR, shortname, protocol)
write_plot_file = open(write_plot_file_name, 'w')
read_plot_file_name = '%s/%s.%s.read.out' % (DATA_DIR, shortname, protocol)
read_plot_file = open(read_plot_file_name, 'w')
ping_plot_file_name = '%s/%s.ping.out' % (DATA_DIR, shortname)
ping_plot_file = open(ping_plot_file_name, 'w')
for line in input_list[ limit: ]:
line = line.rstrip("\n")
line_protocol, line_verb, delta, timestamp = line.split('|')
if line_protocol == protocol:
if line_verb == 'write':
write_plot_file.write("%s,%s\n" % (timestamp, delta))
read_plot_file.write("%s,%s\n" % (timestamp, delta))
elif line_protocol == 'ping':
ping_plot_file.write("%s,%s\n" % (timestamp, delta))
#gnuplot stuff
png_file = "%s/%s.%s.png" % (PLOT_DIR, shortname, protocol)
title = '%s history for %s ' % (protocol, shortname)
gnuplot = Gnuplot.Gnuplot()
gnuplot('set style data linespoints')
gnuplot('set ylabel "seconds"')
gnuplot('set xlabel "month:day:hour:minute:seconds:millisecond"')
gnuplot('set xdata time')
gnuplot('set timefmt "%s"')
gnuplot('set format x "%m:%d:%H:%M:%S:%MS"')
gnuplot('set xtics nomirror rotate by -90')
gnuplot('set datafile separator ","')
gnuplot('set autoscale')
gnuplot('set grid xtics ytics')
gnuplot('set terminal png size 900,899')
gnuplot('set output "%s"' % (png_file))
cmd = ' "%s" using 1:2 axes x1y1 title "write" with lines, \
"%s" using 1:2 axes x1y1 title "read" with lines, \
"%s" using 1:2 axes x1y2 title "ping" with lines' % \
(write_plot_file_name, read_plot_file_name, ping_plot_file_name)
except Error as why:
print "gnuplot choked: %s" % (why)
def read_data(): #do the same file/data munging above
png_file = "%s/%s.%s.png" % (PLOT_DIR, shortname, protocol)
title = '%s history for %s ' % (protocol, shortname)
cmd = ' "%s" using 1:2 axes x1y1 title "write" with lines, \
"%s" using 1:2 axes x1y1 title "read" with lines, \
"%s" using 1:2 axes x1y2 title "ping" with lines' % \
(write_plot_file_name, read_plot_file_name, ping_plot_file_name)
def create_plot(png_file, title, cmd):
#call the gnuplot 'set' strings as above
gnuplot = Gnuplot.Gnuplot()
gnuplot('set style data linespoints')
gnuplot('set ylabel "seconds"')
gnuplot('set xlabel "month:day:hour:minute:seconds:millisecond"')
gnuplot('set xdata time')
gnuplot('set timefmt "%s"')
gnuplot('set format x "%m:%d:%H:%M:%S:%MS"')
gnuplot('set xtics nomirror rotate by -90')
gnuplot('set datafile separator ","')
gnuplot('set autoscale')
gnuplot('set grid xtics ytics')
gnuplot('set terminal png size 900,899')
gnuplot('set output "%s"' % (png_file))`)
你能把這個確切的錯誤信息?可能所有你需要做的就是轉換爲適當的數據類型。 – Navi 2011-01-05 21:11:30
失敗在gnuplot。如上面編碼:第0行:警告:跳過沒有有效點的數據文件 ...或: 第0行:所有點y值未定義! ...如果格式化cmd字符串:gnuplot.plot('%s'%(cmd))yield:line 0:所有點y值undefined! ...或...第0行:x範圍無效 ...或第0行:所有點y值未定義! – user498844 2011-01-06 00:09:01
當你移動它們時,我會說你的設置命令出了問題。你可以發佈「設置蜇如上」 錯誤消息表明gnuplot打開文件,但無法讀取它 - 與http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4164052/gnuplot-v4-4-problem-plotting -using-timeseries-x-axis/4164684#4164684 – Tom 2011-01-06 10:52:58