我想添加和刪除文件,當我的MSBuild 15的MSBuild:添加和刪除文件到的MSBuild 15發佈輸出@ BeforeTargets =「PrepareForPublish」
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
<Folder Include="wwwroot\" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.All" Version="2.0.0" />
<!-- My target, which is only executed on publication , Which is desirable in my case -->
<Target Name="MyPrepareForPublish" BeforeTargets="PrepareForPublish">
<!-- Delete old files in wwwroot from Content -->
<Content Remove="wwwroot\**"/>
<!-- I Add and removes files to file system in wwwroot here , Exclude="@(Content)" prevents duplicates from outside wwwroot -->
<!-- Adding new files to Content form wwwroot -->
<Content Include="wwwroot\**" Exclude="@(Content)"/>
(109,5): Error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "C:\buildTest\WebsSrver\wwwroot\main.d158e9e1259986c4bd76.bundle.js" because it was not found.
這些文件位於wwwroot im my dotnet核心項目中。
該目標究竟是什麼?你添加/刪除「內容」項目?你使用的是2.0.0 SDK嗎? (它有一些修復這種情況下) –
你使用2.0.0:是的,我認爲是這樣的 「C:\ Program Files \ dotnet \ sdk \ 2.0.0 \ Sdks \ Microsoft.NET.Sdk \ build \ Microsoft .NET.Publish.targets「和在proj文件的topp中。該目標究竟是什麼? :你的意思是什麼? –
我的意思是你的'MyPrepareForPublish'目標用來修改文件和項目 –