2014-10-31 75 views




import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC 
import Data.Maybe (fromJust) 
import Data.List (intercalate, elemIndices, foldl') 
import qualified Data.Set as S 

-- Improved version of nub 
nub' :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] 
nub' = go S.empty 
    where go _ [] = [] 
     go s (x:xs) | S.member x s = go s xs 
        | otherwise = x : go (S.insert x s) xs 

-- Extract Int from ByteString  
getIntFromBS :: BSC.ByteString -> Int 
getIntFromBS = fst . fromJust . BSC.readInt 

    Parse read file: 

    a k1 
    n1 n2 n3 n4 ... 
    c k2 
    m1 m2 m3 m4 ... 

    into appropriate format: 

    [(k1, [n1,n2,n3,n4]), (k2, [m1,m2,m3,m4])] 
createGroups :: [BSC.ByteString] -> [(Int, [Int])] 
createGroups [] = [] 
createGroups (p:v:xs) = 
    let val = getIntFromBS $ last $ BSC.split ' ' p 
     grp = foldr (\x acc -> getIntFromBS x : acc) [] $ BSC.split ' ' v 
    in (val, grp) : createGroups xs 

solve :: (Int, [Int]) -> String 
solve (k, v) = intercalate " " $ if null res then ["-1"] else res 
     go n acc = 
      if length (elemIndices n v) > k 
       then show n : acc 
       else   acc 
     res = foldr go [] (nub' v) 

fullSolve :: [BSC.ByteString] -> [String] 
fullSolve xs = foldl' (\acc tupla -> acC++ [solve tupla]) [] $ createGroups xs 

main = do 
    BSC.getContents >>= mapM_ putStrLn . fullSolve . drop 1 . BSC.lines 



'acC++ [解決tupla]'部分讓我感到擔心,這會導致運行時性能下降。考慮在這裏使用'Data.Seq'而不是 – bheklilr 2014-10-31 18:23:29


您能否解釋爲什麼特定部分會擔心您?你是怎麼注意到它的? – OneEyeQuestion 2014-10-31 18:27:18


將單個元素連接到單個鏈表(Haskell列出的內容)的末尾是O(n)操作。每次添加元素時都必須遍歷整個列表。預先考慮(或考慮)一個元素是O(1)。閱讀Haskell代碼時,這些細節非常突出,'++ [單元素]'變得非常引人注目並帶有豐富的經驗。 – bheklilr 2014-10-31 18:31:46



儘管在開始時我曾嘗試使用Data.Map,但它缺少關於使用摺疊與地圖的註釋中指出的優化,並且也缺少所需的輸出順序(按出現順序) 。最終的解決方案如下:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-} 
import Control.Monad (liftM, replicateM_) 
import Data.Maybe (fromJust) 
import Data.List (foldl', sort, unwords) 
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M 
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC 

getIntFromBS :: BSC.ByteString -> Int 
getIntFromBS = fst.fromJust.BSC.readInt 

solve :: Int -> [Int] -> String 
solve k = unwords . map snd . sort . map finalPair . filter hasHighFreq . M.toList . foldl' insMap M.empty . zip [0..] 
     f _ _ (i, old_value) = (i, old_value + 1) 
     insMap m' (i, x) = M.insertWithKey f x (i,1) m' 
     hasHighFreq (_, (_, freq)) = freq >= k 
     finalPair (val, (i, freq)) = (i, show val) 

main = do 
    n <- liftM getIntFromBS BSC.getLine 
    replicateM_ n $ do 
     [_, k] <- liftM (map getIntFromBS . BSC.words) BSC.getLine 
     vals <- liftM (map getIntFromBS . BSC.words) BSC.getLine 
     let res = solve k vals 
     putStrLn (if null res then "-1" else res) 

「摺疊vs地圖」不是問題;問題在於摺疊中使用的功能。 。摺疊是好的,他們讓你融合'map','filter'和'toList'成一折: ''M.foldlWithKey'(\ an(i,c) - > if c> k then(我,n):另一個a)[] ...''。另外,[Data.IntMap.Strict](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/containers-說*「基準測試顯示[IntMap]是.. 。與通用尺寸平衡的地圖實現相比,插入和刪除的速度更快(更快)「*。 – 2014-11-04 11:12:10



import Data.Map.Strict 
import Control.Monad.State.Strict 

type SIO x = StateT (Map String Int) IO x 

incCount :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int 
incCount _ _ old_val = 1 + old_val 

incAndGetCount :: String -> SIO Int 
incAndGetCount s = fmap unMaybe $ state $ insertLookupWithKey incCount s 1 
    where unMaybe (Just x) = x + 1 
      unMaybe Nothing = 1 

processKey :: String -> SIO() 
processKey s = do 
    ct <- incAndGetCount s 
    if ct == 5 then lift (putStrLn s) else return() 

process :: [String] -> IO() 
process list = evalStateT (mapM_ processKey list) empty 




我無法編譯您的代碼。我一直在努力解決這個問題,但我仍然不能很好地理解Monad Transformers。 – OneEyeQuestion 2014-10-31 20:42:26


問題出在'進程'功能。聲明應該是'process :: [String] - > IO(Map String Int)' – OneEyeQuestion 2014-10-31 20:56:17


對不起@OneEyeQuestion,我根據類型敲了一堆代碼,但是我不小心編寫了'execStateT'(它給出了一個'IO ...)')而不是'evalStateT'(它給出了一個'IO()'),但我用另一種方式顯式聲明瞭簽名。我修正了上面的代碼。 – 2014-10-31 21:00:09




import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as M 
import Data.List 

-- mapAccumL :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) -> acc -> [x] -> (acc, [y]) 

solve :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] 
solve k ns = concat . snd $ mapAccumL g M.empty ns 
    g m n = case u of   -- for each n in ns, with updating m, 
       Nothing -> (M.insert n 1 m, [n | k==1]) 
       Just c -> (m2, [n | c==k-1]) 
     (u,m2) = M.updateLookupWithKey (\n c-> Just (c+1)) n m 


最好讓你的功能更專注。在製作了Int的列表後,您可以將其傳遞給unwords . map show或您有什麼。



我也解釋'mapAccumL'一些在[這個答案](http://stackoverflow.com/a/26635144/849891)。 – 2014-11-04 12:52:12


代碼是錯誤的,但希望答案仍然有用... – 2014-11-04 13:01:44