我剛剛開始在Word 2007(Office XP)中使用VBA,我嘗試創建循環以遍歷所有工具欄和每個工具欄中包含的所有按鈕。VBA For .. Next循環試圖通過工具欄按鈕
Public Sub PasteFromClipboard()
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim sCmdBar As CommandBar
Dim thisCommandBar As CommandBar
Dim thisCommandButton As CommandBarButton
Debug.Print "Number", "Name", "Visible", "Built-in"
For i = 1 To Application.CommandBars.Count
Set sCmdBar = Application.CommandBars(i)
If sCmdBar.Visible = True Then
j = j + 1
Debug.Print j, sCmdBar.Name, sCmdBar.Visible, sCmdBar.BuiltIn
Dim X As Long
Set thisCommandBar = Application.CommandBars(sCmdBar.Name)
For X = 1 To thisCommandBar.Controls.Count - 1
Set thisCommandButton = thisCommandBar.Controls(X)
If thisCommandButton.Caption = "Paste" Then
Dim a As Long
a = a + 1
Exit For
End If
Next X
End If
Next i
Set thisCommandButton = thisCommandBar.Controls(X).
性能技巧:外環也應該是'對於Each'循環。你正在迭代一個對象集合,使用'For Each'循環。當你迭代數組時,使用'For ... Next'循環。 –
這只是一個測試代碼。我沒有專注於表演或漂亮的風格。我只想做一個簡單的代碼來搜索工具欄...... – user1141649
當你開始意識到通過一個'For'循環而不是'For Each'循環通過索引來迭代一個對象集合運行速度慢了27倍,也許它會沉入水中。 –