's並將其輸出存儲爲一個變量而不是寫入輸出 我想最終得到1個變量中的所有輸出,I然後可以發送電子郵件的內容。Powershell腳本添加輸出到變量
write-host $machines2
# Start writing headers to output
# Import SQL module for powershell
import-module SQLPS -DisableNameChecking
# Run first SQLquery to get machine name & servie tag
$data1 = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance SERVER -Database DATABASE -Query 「SELECT guid, name, [Serial Number] FROM dbo.wrksta as a inner join Inv_AeX_HW_Serial_Number as b on a.GUID=b._resourceGUID ORDER BY Name」;
# Iterate through restults and apply logic to populate list
foreach ($row in $data1)
# Set variables from Query result
$name = $row.name;
$serial = $row."Serial Number";
# Get machine user
$user = invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance SERVER -Database DATABASE -Query 「SELECT top 1 [User] FROM dbo.Evt_aex_client_logon WHERE _resourceGuid = (SELECT top 1 Guid FROM dbo.Wrksta WHERE Name='$name' ORDER BY WrkstaID DESC) AND Event = 'logon' AND _eventTime > getdate()-60 GROUP BY [User] ORDER BY count([User]) desc」 ;
# Set machine user without column header
# Set service tag from query data
[String]$ServiceTag = $serial;
# Function to obtain XML info about dell system from a service tag from Dell xserv site
$AssetService = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri "http://xserv.dell.com/services/AssetService.asmx?WSDL";
$ApplicationName = "AssetService";
$Guid = [Guid]::NewGuid();
$Asset = $AssetService.GetAssetInformation($Guid,$ApplicationName,$ServiceTag);
$Writer = New-Object "System.IO.StringWriter";
$XmlSerializer = New-Object System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer($Asset.GetType());
[String]$Date = $Writer.ToString();
# Required exception block
Write-Host $($_.Exception.Message);
# Match purchase date from returned data in incorrect format 2012-03-23
$prog = [regex]::match($Date,'(?<=StartDate>)(.*)(?=T00)').Groups[1].Value
# Edit the date to replace the - with/
$prog2 = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Replace($prog,"[-]","/");
if ($prog2)
# Parse the value e.g. 2012/03/23 into a full datetime i.e. 23 March 2012 12:00:00
$dt = [datetime]::ParseExact($prog2,"yyyy/MM/dd",$null)
# Now string is in datetime format use the -format command to re-order and trim to our desired date 23/03/2012
$purchased = Get-Date $dt -Format 'dd/MM/yyyy'
# Store all variables in a table with relevant column headings
$machines = New-Object PSObject -Property @{Name = $name; Serial = $Serial; User2 = $user2; purchased = $purchased}
# Set what the date was 4 years ago today
$fourYearsAgo = (Get-Date).AddYears(-4)
# Compare our returned date to the date 4 years ago and see if it is less than or equal too i.e. in warranty
$tobereplaced = $machines.purchased | Where-Object { (Get-Date $machines.purchased) -le $fourYearsAgo}
if ($tobereplaced)
# Parse the date back to a full date/time
$dt2 = [datetime]::ParseExact($tobereplaced,"dd/MM/yyyy",$null)
# Add 4 years onto the date
$replacementdate = (get-date $dt2).AddYears(+4)
# Trim it back to our desired format
$tbr = Get-Date $replacementdate -Format 'dd/MM/yyyy'
# Build our final variable containing our data
"EXPIRED" + " " + $name + " " + $user2 + " " + $serial + " " + $tbr;
不知道如何將這個應用到上面的代碼可以告訴我嗎?我的意思是在上面的代碼中設置了很多變量,但我只希望從循環中的每條記錄返回$ machines2結果返回到函數 – meeeeeeeeee
如果您只想在輸出中使用'$ machines2',請將該行替換爲「EXPIRED 「+」「+ $ name +」「+ $ user2 +」「+ $ serial +」「+ $ tbr'(移除'$ machines2 =')。 – Neolisk