2012-08-14 40 views

我有CalendarControl.js,它在選擇日期時會給我日期格式爲14-Aug-2012.But我想從2012-08-14中選擇日期,因此在MySQL查詢中使用,因爲它在2012-08-14格式中顯示插入日期的記錄./*我將其更改爲 var months = ['01','02','03','04','05 」,'06' , '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12']; 然後我得到月份作爲數字,但想扭轉它。如何從CalendarControl.js中以相反的順序選擇日期

function positionInfo(object) { 

    var p_elm = object; 

    this.getElementLeft = getElementLeft; 
    function getElementLeft() { 
    var x = 0; 
    var elm; 
    if(typeof(p_elm) == "object"){ 
     elm = p_elm; 
    } else { 
     elm = document.getElementById(p_elm); 
    while (elm != null) { 
     x+= elm.offsetLeft; 
     elm = elm.offsetParent; 
    return parseInt(x); 

    this.getElementWidth = getElementWidth; 
    function getElementWidth(){ 
    var elm; 
    if(typeof(p_elm) == "object"){ 
     elm = p_elm; 
    } else { 
     elm = document.getElementById(p_elm); 
    return parseInt(elm.offsetWidth); 

    this.getElementRight = getElementRight; 
    function getElementRight(){ 
    return getElementLeft(p_elm) + getElementWidth(p_elm); 

    this.getElementTop = getElementTop; 
    function getElementTop() { 
    var y = 0; 
    var elm; 
    if(typeof(p_elm) == "object"){ 
     elm = p_elm; 
    } else { 
     elm = document.getElementById(p_elm); 
    while (elm != null) { 
     y+= elm.offsetTop; 
     elm = elm.offsetParent; 
    return parseInt(y); 

    this.getElementHeight = getElementHeight; 
    function getElementHeight(){ 
    var elm; 
    if(typeof(p_elm) == "object"){ 
     elm = p_elm; 
    } else { 
     elm = document.getElementById(p_elm); 
    return parseInt(elm.offsetHeight); 

    this.getElementBottom = getElementBottom; 
    function getElementBottom(){ 
    return getElementTop(p_elm) + getElementHeight(p_elm); 

function CalendarControl() { 

    var calendarId = 'CalendarControl'; 
    var currentYear = 0; 
    var currentMonth = 0; 
    var currentDay = 0; 

    var selectedYear = 0; 
    var selectedMonth = 0; 
    var selectedDay = 0; 

    var months = 


    var dateField = null; 

    function getProperty(p_property){ 
    var p_elm = calendarId; 
    var elm = null; 

    if(typeof(p_elm) == "object"){ 
     elm = p_elm; 
    } else { 
     elm = document.getElementById(p_elm); 
    if (elm != null){ 
     elm = elm.style; 
      return elm[p_property]; 
     } else { 
      return null; 
     } else { 
     return null; 

    function setElementProperty(p_property, p_value, p_elmId){ 
    var p_elm = p_elmId; 
    var elm = null; 

    if(typeof(p_elm) == "object"){ 
     elm = p_elm; 
    } else { 
     elm = document.getElementById(p_elm); 
    if((elm != null) && (elm.style != null)){ 
     elm = elm.style; 
     elm[ p_property ] = p_value; 

    function setProperty(p_property, p_value) { 
    setElementProperty(p_property, p_value, calendarId); 

    function getDaysInMonth(year, month) { 
    return [31,((!(year % 4) && ((year % 100) || !(year % 400)))?29:28),31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31][month-1]; 

    function getDayOfWeek(year, month, day) { 
    var date = new Date(year,month-1,day) 
    return date.getDay(); 

    this.clearDate = clearDate; 
    function clearDate() { 
    dateField.value = ''; 

    this.setDate = setDate; 
    function setDate(year, month, day) { 
    if (dateField) { 
     if (day < 10) {day = "0" + day;} 
     var dateString = day+"-"+ months[month-1]+"-"+year; 
     dateField.value = dateString; 

    this.changeMonth = changeMonth; 
    function changeMonth(change) { 
    currentMonth += change; 
    currentDay = 0; 
    if(currentMonth > 12) { 
     currentMonth = 1; 
    } else if(currentMonth < 1) { 
     currentMonth = 12; 

    calendar = document.getElementById(calendarId); 
    calendar.innerHTML = calendarDrawTable(); 

    this.changeYear = changeYear; 
    function changeYear(change) { 
    currentYear += change; 
    currentDay = 0; 
    calendar = document.getElementById(calendarId); 
    calendar.innerHTML = calendarDrawTable(); 

    function getCurrentYear() { 
    var year = new Date().getYear(); 
    if(year < 1900) year += 1900; 
    return year; 

    function getCurrentMonth() { 
    return new Date().getMonth() + 1; 

    function getCurrentDay() { 
    return new Date().getDate(); 

    function calendarDrawTable() { 

    var dayOfMonth = 1; 
    var validDay = 0; 
    var startDayOfWeek = getDayOfWeek(currentYear, currentMonth, dayOfMonth); 
    var daysInMonth = getDaysInMonth(currentYear, currentMonth); 
    var css_class = null; //CSS class for each day 

    var table = "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'>"; 
    table = table + "<tr class='header'>"; 
    table = table + " <td colspan='2' class='previous'><a href='javascript:changeCalendarControlMonth(-1);'>&lt;</a> <a href='javascript:changeCalendarControlYear(-1);'>&laquo;</a></td>"; 
    table = table + " <td colspan='3' class='title'>" + months[currentMonth-1] + "<br>" + currentYear + "</td>"; 
    table = table + " <td colspan='2' class='next'><a href='javascript:changeCalendarControlYear(1);'>&raquo;</a> <a href='javascript:changeCalendarControlMonth(1);'>&gt;</a></td>"; 
    table = table + "</tr>"; 
    table = table + "<tr><th>S</th><th>M</th><th>T</th><th>W</th><th>T</th><th>F</th><th>S</th></tr>"; 

    for(var week=0; week < 6; week++) { 
     table = table + "<tr>"; 
     for(var dayOfWeek=0; dayOfWeek < 7; dayOfWeek++) { 
     if(week == 0 && startDayOfWeek == dayOfWeek) { 
      validDay = 1; 
     } else if (validDay == 1 && dayOfMonth > daysInMonth) { 
      validDay = 0; 

     if(validDay) { 
      if (dayOfMonth == selectedDay && currentYear == selectedYear && currentMonth == selectedMonth) { 
      css_class = 'current'; 
      } else if (dayOfWeek == 0 || dayOfWeek == 6) { 
      css_class = 'weekend'; 
      } else { 
      css_class = 'weekday'; 

      table = table + "<td><a class='"+css_class+"' href=\"javascript:setCalendarControlDate("+currentYear+","+currentMonth+","+dayOfMonth+")\">"+dayOfMonth+"</a></td>"; 
     } else { 
      table = table + "<td class='empty'>&nbsp;</td>"; 
     table = table + "</tr>"; 

    table = table + "<tr class='header'><th colspan='7' style='padding: 3px;'><a href='javascript:clearCalendarControl();'>Clear</a> | <a href='javascript:hideCalendarControl();'>Close</a></td></tr>"; 
    table = table + "</table>"; 

    return table; 

    this.show = show; 
    function show(field) { 
    can_hide = 0; 

    // If the calendar is visible and associated with 
    // this field do not do anything. 
    if (dateField == field) { 
    } else { 
     dateField = field; 

    if(dateField) { 
     try { 
     var dateString = new String(dateField.value); 
     var dateParts = dateString.split("-"); 

     selectedMonth = parseInt(dateParts[0],10); 
     selectedDay = parseInt(dateParts[1],10); 
     selectedYear = parseInt(dateParts[2],10); 
     } catch(e) {} 

    if (!(selectedYear && selectedMonth && selectedDay)) { 
     selectedMonth = getCurrentMonth(); 
     selectedDay = getCurrentDay(); 
     selectedYear = getCurrentYear(); 

    currentMonth = selectedMonth; 
    currentDay = selectedDay; 
    currentYear = selectedYear; 


     calendar = document.getElementById(calendarId); 
     calendar.innerHTML = calendarDrawTable(currentYear, currentMonth); 

     setProperty('display', 'block'); 

     var fieldPos = new positionInfo(dateField); 
     var calendarPos = new positionInfo(calendarId); 

     var x = fieldPos.getElementLeft(); 
     var y = fieldPos.getElementBottom(); 

     setProperty('left', x + "px"); 
     setProperty('top', y + "px"); 

     if (document.all) { 
     setElementProperty('display', 'block', 'CalendarControlIFrame'); 
     setElementProperty('left', x + "px", 'CalendarControlIFrame'); 
     setElementProperty('top', y + "px", 'CalendarControlIFrame'); 
     setElementProperty('width', calendarPos.getElementWidth() + "px", 'CalendarControlIFrame'); 
     setElementProperty('height', calendarPos.getElementHeight() + "px", 'CalendarControlIFrame'); 

    this.hide = hide; 
    function hide() { 
    if(dateField) { 
     setProperty('display', 'none'); 
     setElementProperty('display', 'none', 'CalendarControlIFrame'); 
     dateField = null; 

    this.visible = visible; 
    function visible() { 
    return dateField 

    this.can_hide = can_hide; 
    var can_hide = 0; 

var calendarControl = new CalendarControl(); 

function showCalendarControl(textField) { 
    // textField.onblur = hideCalendarControl; 

function clearCalendarControl() { 

function hideCalendarControl() { 
    if (calendarControl.visible()) { 

function setCalendarControlDate(year, month, day) { 
    calendarControl.setDate(year, month, day); 

function changeCalendarControlYear(change) { 

function changeCalendarControlMonth(change) { 

document.write("<iframe id='CalendarControlIFrame' src='javascript:false;' frameBorder='0' scrolling='no'></iframe>"); 
document.write("<div id='CalendarControl'></div>"); 

我這裏有同樣的問題。你已經解決了這個問題嗎? – 2012-11-14 13:17:47




selectedMonth = parseInt(dateParts[1],10); 
selectedDay = parseInt(dateParts[2],10); 
selectedYear = parseInt(dateParts[0],10);