System.out.println("Summer, Winter, Fall, or Spring");
System.out.print("Which season is your favarite? ");
String favSeason = in.next();
//Control the inputs by converting them to Upper Case
String favSeasonInput = favSeason.toUpperCase();
//required answers of the question
String seasons = "SUMMER, WINTER, FALL, SPRING?";
String quit = "QUIT!";
boolean isSeasons = (favSeasonInput.equals(seasons.substring(0, 6)) ||
favSeasonInput.equals(seasons.substring(8, 14)) ||
favSeasonInput.equals(seasons.substring(16, 20)) ||
favSeasonInput.equals(seasons.substring(22, 28)));
boolean isQuit = favSeasonInput.equals(quit.substring(0, 4));
//inialize variables that will compute scores
int favSeasonScore = 0;
//if user enters an input otherthan seasons
while (!isSeasons){
favSeason = in.next();
//Conditions to set up scores for seasons
if(favSeasonInput.equals(seasons.substring(0, 6))){
favSeasonScore = 6;
System.out.println("Summer is " + favSeasonScore + " points");
else if(favSeasonInput.equals(seasons.substring(8, 14))){
favSeasonScore = 14;
System.out.println("Winter is " + favSeasonScore + " points");
else if(favSeasonInput.equals(seasons.substring(16, 20))){
favSeasonScore = 20;
System.out.println("Fall is " + favSeasonScore + " points");
else if(favSeasonInput.equals(seasons.substring(22, 28))){
favSeasonScore = 28;
System.out.println("Spring is " + favSeasonScore + " points");
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