2016-02-04 32 views

我可能錯過了一些明顯的東西,但是這讓我瘋狂。基本上,我的導航列表不以內聯方式顯示。我曾嘗試將display: inline-block;添加到父div和li項目,但這似乎沒有任何效果。有沒有人知道爲什麼display: inline;可能無法在這種情況下工作?爲什麼顯示:內聯;不工作在我的導航與CSS?

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    <title>Neonskype's Portfolio - Home</title> 

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    <label for="show-menu" class="show-menu">Show Menu</label> 
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     <li><a id="navigation" href="index.html" target="_self">Home</a> 
     <li><a id="navigation" href="aboutme.html" target="_self">About Me</a> 
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    <h1>Welcome to My Website</h1> 
    <p>Feel free to take a look around and please enjoy your stay.</p> 
    <img src="images/Meet_the_artist.PNG" alt="Photograph of artist" /> 
    <!--Photograph of artist--> 
    <p>Did you know I'm also on DeviantArt? Head over to the social media page to find out more.</p> 
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    <!--Footer start--> 
    <p id="footer">&copy;Sarah O'Hagan 2016.</p> 
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ID必須是唯一的。 –


@Pauline_D感謝您的幫助。現在導航工作正常,我現在正在改變重複的ID的類。 – stettafire



您指定了錯誤的元素。 LIdisplay: list-item。因此,使用:

ul#navigationlist li { 
    display: inline; 


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    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="screen.css"> 
    <title>Neonskype's Portfolio - Home</title> 

    <div id=m enu> 
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    <label for="show-menu" class="show-menu">Show Menu</label> 
    <input type="checkbox" id="show-menu" role="button"> 
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     <li><a id="navigation" href="index.html" target="_self">Home</a> 
     <li><a id="navigation" href="aboutme.html" target="_self">About Me</a> 
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    <div id=c ontainer> 
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    <h1>Welcome to My Website</h1> 
    <p>Feel free to take a look around and please enjoy your stay.</p> 
    <img src="images/Meet_the_artist.PNG" alt="Photograph of artist" /> 
    <!--Photograph of artist--> 
    <p>Did you know I'm also on DeviantArt? Head over to the social media page to find out more.</p> 
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    <!--Footer start--> 
    <p id="footer">&copy;Sarah O'Hagan 2016.</p> 
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現在導航已經修復,並且ID的類已更改。感謝您的幫助 – stettafire