- 在主循環中,我會打斷當我使用UART通信從設備收到數據時
- 我會發送一個AT命令並等待來自設備的回覆,如果設備回覆OK,我將發送下一個AT命令,直到所有命令完成
- 如果設備回覆NOK(不行),我會重新發送命令
這聽起來像一個簡單的客戶端 - 服務器(消費者 - 生產者)模型問題。
當你說「我會打斷」,你的意思是一個硬件中斷觸發,或將出現在執行的變化?在硬件中斷的情況下,這將是平臺特定的。 Even something as simple as a keyboard hardware interrupt routine takes a bit of effort to implement。
而不是自旋鎖,使用condvar(condition variable),所以你沒有燒燬CPU和浪費週期不必要的。
* Solution to Producer Consumer Problem
* Using Ptheads, a mutex and condition variables
* From Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, 3rd Ed.
In this version the buffer is a single number.
The producer is putting numbers into the shared buffer
(in this case sequentially)
And the consumer is taking them out.
If the buffer contains zero, that indicates that the buffer is empty.
Any other value is valid.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#define MAX 10000000000 /* Numbers to produce */
pthread_mutex_t the_mutex;
pthread_cond_t condc, condp;
int buffer = 0;
void* producer(void *ptr) {
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= MAX; i++) {
pthread_mutex_lock(&the_mutex); /* protect buffer */
while (buffer != 0) /* If there is something
in the buffer then wait */
pthread_cond_wait(&condp, &the_mutex);
buffer = i;
pthread_cond_signal(&condc); /* wake up consumer */
pthread_mutex_unlock(&the_mutex); /* release the buffer */
void* consumer(void *ptr) {
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= MAX; i++) {
pthread_mutex_lock(&the_mutex); /* protect buffer */
while (buffer == 0) /* If there is nothing in
the buffer then wait */
pthread_cond_wait(&condc, &the_mutex);
buffer = 0;
pthread_cond_signal(&condp); /* wake up consumer */
pthread_mutex_unlock(&the_mutex); /* release the buffer */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
pthread_t pro, con;
// Initialize the mutex and condition variables
/* What's the NULL for ??? */
pthread_mutex_init(&the_mutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&condc, NULL); /* Initialize consumer condition variable */
pthread_cond_init(&condp, NULL); /* Initialize producer condition variable */
// Create the threads
pthread_create(&con, NULL, consumer, NULL);
pthread_create(&pro, NULL, producer, NULL);
// Wait for the threads to finish
// Otherwise main might run to the end
// and kill the entire process when it exits.
pthread_join(&con, NULL);
pthread_join(&pro, NULL);
// Cleanup -- would happen automatically at end of program
pthread_mutex_destroy(&the_mutex); /* Free up the_mutex */
pthread_cond_destroy(&condc); /* Free up consumer condition variable */
pthread_cond_destroy(&condp); /* Free up producer condition variable */
你可以找到很多摘要和參考文獻所提到的 等設計在C對eswp3.org模式的例子。 (對不起,我目前無法連接超過2個網站的 ,我會在贏得 足夠的聲望後這樣做)
在主循環中是否還有其他時間敏感操作正在進行?或者是上面所要做的一切? – harmic
@harmic yup,上面是它所要做的所有事情 – Tim
你有沒有想過觀察者或中介模式? –