2016-11-14 71 views

我一直在試圖將一個流星應用程序部署到Digital Ocean。我已經配置mup.js這樣的:使用mup部署Meteor應用程序 - 錯誤:找不到配置流星

module.exports = { 
    servers: { 
    one: { 
     host: '[droplet ip address]', 
     username: '[username]', 
     password: '[password]' 

    // Install MongoDB on the server. Does not destroy the local MongoDB on future setups 
    "setupMongo": true, 

    // WARNING: Node.js is required! Only skip if you already have Node.js installed on server. 
    "setupNode": true, 

    // WARNING: nodeVersion defaults to 0.10.36 if omitted. Do not use v, just the version number. 
    "nodeVersion": "0.10.36", 

    // Install PhantomJS on the server 
    "setupPhantom": true, 

    // Application name (no spaces). 
    "appName": "pichaprint", 

    // Location of app (local directory). This can reference '~' as the users home directory. 
    // i.e., "app": "~/Meteor/my-app", 
    // This is the same as the line below. 
    "app": ".", 

    // Configure environment 
    // ROOT_URL must be set to https://YOURDOMAIN.com when using the spiderable package & force SSL 
    // your NGINX proxy or Cloudflare. When using just Meteor on SSL without spiderable this is not necessary 
    "env": { 
    "PORT": 80, 
    "ROOT_URL": "http://pichaprint.com", 

    "deployCheckWaitTime": 15 

當我嘗試運行mup setup,我得到以下錯誤: error: no configs found for meteor




事實證明,即使我通過輸入mup init來初始化mup,它實際上並沒有生成mup.json。所以我不得不通過輸入以下命令手動創建它:cat > mup.json在我的項目文件夾的根目錄下