我在OpenERP的7某些發票數據導入發票數據,出口,並試圖通過CSV format.Partner_id將其導入odoo 8的定義,但仍然我得到這個錯誤,無法從.csv文件
No matching record found for external id '__export__.account_account_8' in field 'Account' between rows 2 and 3
No matching record found for external id '__export__.account_journal_1' in field 'Journal' between rows 2 and 3
No matching record found for external id '__export__.res_partner_5' in field 'Partner' between rows 2 and 3
No matching record found for external id '__export__.account_invoice_line_3' in field 'Invoice Lines' between rows 2 and 3
Missing required value for the field 'Partner' (partner_id) between rows 2 and 3
IntegrityError: null value in column "partner_id" violates not-null constraint
對於partner_id,我導入了所有客戶的工作。現在我得到這個錯誤,缺少字段'帳戶'所需的值。 – Bhanukiran
字段帳戶是必填字段,您需要將其導出。 –
如果我嘗試導入帳戶字段,它表示重複的鍵值違反了唯一約束「account_account_code_company_uniq」 – Bhanukiran