###### Plot three graphs together with one legend and one text on the right side
## this is the function that make one legend for multiple graphs
g_legend <- function(a.gplot){
tmp <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(a.gplot))
leg <- which(sapply(tmp$grobs, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")
legend <- tmp$grobs[[leg]]
mylegend <- g_legend(p3.legend)
### combine three graphs with legend
p <- grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(p1 , p2 , p3, mylegend, ncol = 4, widths = c(20, 20, 20, 11))) ## vertical
### create text to put outside this multi-graph plot
Text1 = textGrob(paste("An example text"))
p1 = p + annotation_custom(grob = Text1, xmin = 1, xmax = 2, ymin = 20, ymax = 30)
它給了我「非數字的參數,以二進制運算錯誤」的錯誤。由於x軸是分類變量,所以我認爲錯誤是由xmax引起的,所以xmin值不能分配給分類數據。所以我用p1 = p + annotation_custom(grob = Text1,xmin = -Inf, xmax = Inf, ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf)
我知道如何在此基礎上參考了多圖情節外辦傳說: ggplot2: multiple plots with different variables in a single row, single grouping legend
的例子以外的Displaying text below the plot generated by ggplot2文字是有幫助的。但是這是一個圖表,我不覺得它在我的多圖情節中很有用。
enaJ,你想把文本作爲一個整體放在圖上,就像所有圖的標題一樣嗎?你能否向你的問題添加一些可重現的數據和創建圖的代碼,觸發錯誤的代碼? – lawyeR
我希望文字在右側作爲註釋,而不是標題。我按照你的建議編輯了我的問題。 – enaJ