2014-11-04 21 views

我在加密Java中的一些字符串時遇到問題。我需要比這個的VisualBasic代碼做加密它們以同樣的方式:RSA Cypher VisualBasic到Java

Public Function Encrypt(ByRef EncryptionKeyPair As KeyPair, ByVal PlainText As String) As String 
     //Use Public Key to encrypt 

     //Get Modulus Size and compare it to length of PlainText 
     // If Length of PlainText > (Modulus Size - 11), then PlainText will need to be broken into segments of size (Modulus Size - 11) 
     //Each of these segments will be encrypted separately 
     // and will return encrypted strings equal to the Modulus Size (with at least 11 bytes of padding) 
     //When decrypting, if the EncryptedText string > Modulus size, it will be split into segments of size equal to Modulus Size 
     //Each of these EncryptedText segments will be decrypted individually with the resulting PlainText segments re-assembled. 

     Dim intBlockSize As Integer = GetModulusSize(EncryptionKeyPair.PublicKey.Key) - 11 
     Dim strEncryptedText As String = "" 

     While Len(PlainText) > 0 
      If Len(PlainText) > intBlockSize Then 
       strEncryptedText = strEncryptedText & EncryptBlock(Left(PlainText, intBlockSize)) 
       PlainText = Right(PlainText, Len(PlainText) - intBlockSize) 
       strEncryptedText = strEncryptedText & EncryptBlock(PlainText) 
       PlainText = "" 
      End If 
     End While 

     Return strEncryptedText 
    End Function 

Private Function EncryptBlock(ByRef TheRSAProvider As RSACryptoServiceProvider, ByVal strIn As String) As String 
     Return ByteArrayAsString(TheRSAProvider.Encrypt(StringAsByteArray(strIn), False)) 
    End Function 

Private Function GetModulusSize(ByVal intKeySize As Integer) As Integer 
     //KeySize is in Bits - so divide by 8 to get # of bytes 
     Return intKeySize/8 
    End Function 

我在網上已經搜索,我還沒有發現這樣的事。 我從係數和指數的公鑰和我這樣做:

byte[] expBytes = Base64.decode(exponent.trim()); 
byte[] modBytes = Base64.decode(modulus.trim()); 

BigInteger modules = new BigInteger(1, modBytes); 
BigInteger exponents = new BigInteger(1, expBytes); 

KeyFactory factory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA"); 
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding"); 

RSAPublicKeySpec pubSpec = new RSAPublicKeySpec(modules, exponents); 
PublicKey pubKey = factory.generatePublic(pubSpec); 
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey); 
byte[] encrypted =cipher.doFinal(field.getBytes("UTF-16LE")); 
String string = new String(encrypted); 

結果是不對的,因爲我什麼都不做關於模數尺寸 - 11能否請你解釋我怎麼能我在Java中這樣做?




模量大小不是問題。問題更可能是您期望生成相同的值。他們不是,即使在VB代碼或Java代碼本身(運行代碼片斷兩次!)。 RSA PKCS#1 v1.5填充包含隨機數,確保加密總是會產生不同的值。順便提一下,這對於OAEP填充也是一樣的。



我知道它會產生總是不同的值。問題是我將Java加密字符串發送到Visual Basic Web服務,並且無法解密它。解密遵循該模數大小規則。我剛給了加密的例子,你需要解密代碼嗎? – DiogoPinheiro 2014-11-05 09:22:47


不一定,但你應該更新你的問題,因爲「結果不正確」列出有史以來最糟糕的錯誤描述。 – 2014-11-05 09:29:50


我認爲標題和描述很清楚。我需要的只是在Java中實現這種可視化的基本加密。 – DiogoPinheiro 2014-11-05 12:03:27