2010-10-24 91 views


在我的add方法中,我檢查索引以查看要添加項目的位置。 「Index」是一個int變量,但我想檢查一下,看看「item」是否與之前存儲的項目相同。我想使用compareTo方法,但我會得到類型不匹配。有沒有人有一個更好的方法來做到這一點的想法?


package sortedListReferenceBased; 

    public class SortedListReferenceBasedIterativeNoDuplicates 
    implements SortedListInterface { 

    // reference to linked list of items 
    private Node head; 
    private int numItems; // number of items in list 

    public SortedListReferenceBasedIterativeNoDuplicates() { 
    numItems = 0; 
    head = null; 
    } // end default constructor 

     public boolean sortedIsEmpty() { 
     return numItems == 0; 
    } // end sortedIsEmpty 

    public int sortedSize() { 
    return numItems; 
    } // end sortedSize 

     private Node find(int index) { 
    // -------------------------------------------------- 
    // Locates a specified node in a linked list. 
    // Precondition: index is the number of the desired 
    // node. Assumes that 1 <= index <= numItems+1 
    // Postcondition: Returns a reference to the desired 
    // node. 
    // -------------------------------------------------- 
    Node curr = head; 
    for (int skip = 1; skip < index; skip++) { 
    curr = curr.getNext(); 
} // end for 
return curr; 
    } // end find 

    public Comparable sortedGet(int index) 
       throws ListIndexOutOfBoundsException { 
     if (index >= 1 && index <= numItems){ 
      Node curr = find(index); 
      Object dataItem = curr.getItem(); 
      return (Comparable) dataItem; 
     else { 
      throw new ListIndexOutOfBoundsException("List index out of bounds on get."); 
    } // end sortedGet() 

    public void sortedAdd(Comparable item) throws ListException{ 
    int index = locateIndex(item); //to find location where item should be added 
    if(index >=1 && index <= numItems+1){ 
     //if adding an item to the very beginning of list 
     if (index == 1){ 
      Node newNode = new Node(item,head); 
      head = newNode; 
     if (item.compareTo(something something?)== 0){ //if item is a duplicate of previous item do nothing 
      System.out.println("No duplicates!"); 

     else { 
      Node prev = find(index-1); //finds out where previous node is 
      Node newNode = new Node(item, prev.getNext()); //creates Node with item you wish to add 
      prev.setNext(newNode); //links new node with previous node 
     }//end main if statement 
     else { 
      throw new ListIndexOutOfBoundsException("List index out of bounds on add."); 
    } // end sortedAdd() 

    public void sortedRemove(Comparable item) throws ListException { 
     int index = locateIndex(item); 
     if (index >= 1 && index <= numItems){ //if the index is greater than 1 (meaning list not empty) and 
               //index doesn't exceed list size do the following: 
     //if index is value of one then delete first node in this special way 
     if (index == 1) { 
      head = head.getNext(); 
    //if there is only one item in the list then set head to nothing so index out of bounds error won't occur 
     if (numItems == 1){ 
      head = null; 
     else { //if none of these things occur go ahead and delete item, allocating Nodes accordingly 
      Node prev = find(index-1); 
      Node curr = prev.getNext(); 
     numItems--;//must account for one less item 
    if (!sortedIsEmpty()){ 
     System.out.println("Item does not exist!"); 
    else { //if index doesn't meet if statement requirements 
     throw new ListIndexOutOfBoundsException("List index out of bounds on remove."); 

} // end sortedRemove 

public void sortedRemoveAll() { 
    // setting head to null causes list to be 
    // unreachable and thus marked for garbage 
    // collection 
    head = null; 
    numItems = 0; 
} // end sortedRemoveAll 

//Returns the position where item belongs or exists in a sorted list; 
//item and the list are unchanged. 
public int locateIndex(Comparable item) { 
    Node curr = head; 
    for (int i = 1; i <= sortedSize(); i++){ 
     if (item.compareTo(curr.getItem())<= 0){ 
      return i; 
     }//end if 

     else { 
      curr = curr.getNext(); 
     }//end else 
    }//end for 
    return sortedSize()+1; 
} //end locateIndex() 

} // end ListReferenceBased 





  1. 爲什麼你似乎是試圖用Java實現鏈表......因爲已經有在java.util.LinkedList形式一個非常好的實現我不明白。

  2. 的集合,沒有重複是一家集...

  3. 基於鏈接列出了一組將是最理想的。例如,插入爲O(N),而基於樹的實現則爲O(logN),而基於哈希表的實現(假設其大小適當)則爲O(1)。分別爲java.util.TreeSetjava.util.HashSet




這是我的數據結構類的分配。我的老師要求我們以這種方式創建它。我們還沒有了解樹木。哈希表或類似的東西,所以我們試圖用很少的知識來完成這項任務。因此爲什麼這麼奇怪。感謝您的見解! – Bell 2010-10-24 04:19:33


您應該將作業標籤添加到此問題。 – 2010-10-24 04:24:02




我會期待它以備將來參考!現在我的任務不需要它。但非常感謝你! – Bell 2010-10-24 04:42:29


@Bell - 現在我們知道這是一項任務更有意義。整點可能會讓你明白爲什麼鏈表不適合做這個選擇。 – 2010-10-24 04:45:23



if (locateIndex(item) != (sortedSize() + 1)) { //locateIndex returns sortedSize() + 1 if it didn't find the item, so we check that 

    System.out.println("No duplicates!"); 
