2011-10-27 51 views


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JLabel container = new JLabel(); 
container.setLayout(new BoxLayout(container, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); 
JLabel icon1Label = new JLabel(); 
JLabel icon2Label = new JLabel(); 

謝謝,那個伎倆。我還添加了'container.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(5,0)))'在兩個圖標之間添加一些空格。 –


嘗試CompoundIcon 編輯:Heisenbug的基於佈局的解決方案是 瑣碎的答案。


或將這些容器嵌套在佈局中。或者爲了這個目的在列表中添加另一列。 – Randy


用於實現'Icon'。 – trashgod


+1:謝謝..不知道CompoundIcon .. – Heisenbug


我只是做這個最近 - 我希望能夠將多個圖標在單行合併成一個單一的圖標。我這樣做的方式是下降到BufferedImage級別,並將這兩個圖像手動合成爲一個圖像,然後將其用作我的JLabel圖標。還有其他方法可以達到相同的效果,但我不想更改我的UI組件層次結構。


ImageIcon icon1 = ...; 
ImageIcon icon2 = ...; 

ImageIcon labelIcon = new CachedCompositeIcon(icon1, icon2).getIcon(); 


/** This is a convenience class to handle creating a single composite icon from several icons, and caching the 
* created icons to eliminate duplicate work. This class is basically used as a key into a map, allowing us to 
* define both a hashCode and equals in a single place. 
public class CachedCompositeIcon 
    private static final byte ICON_PADDING = 2; 
    private static final HashMap<CachedCompositeIcon, ImageIcon> CACHED_ICONS = 
      new HashMap<CachedCompositeIcon, ImageIcon>(4); 

    private final ImageIcon[] m_icons; 

    public CachedCompositeIcon(final ImageIcon... icons) { 
     m_icons = icons; 

    public ImageIcon getIcon() { 
     if (!CACHED_ICONS.containsKey(this)) { 
      CACHED_ICONS.put(this, lcl_combineIcons()); 

     return CACHED_ICONS.get(this); 

    /** Generates an icon that is a composition of several icons by appending each icon together with some 
    * padding between them. 
    * @return An icon that is the concatenation of all the icons this was constructed with. 
    private ImageIcon lcl_combineIcons() { 
     // First determine how big our composite icon will be; we need to know how wide & tall to make it. 
     int totalWidth = (m_icons.length - 1) * ICON_PADDING; // Take into account the padding between icons 
     int minHeight = 0; 
     for (int i = 0; i < m_icons.length; ++i) { 
      totalWidth += m_icons[i].getIconWidth(); 
      if (m_icons[i].getIconHeight() > minHeight) { 
       minHeight = m_icons[i].getIconHeight(); 

     // Create an image big enough and acquire the image canvas to draw on 
     final BufferedImage compositeImage = new BufferedImage(totalWidth, minHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); 
     final Graphics  graphics  = compositeImage.createGraphics(); 

     // Iterate over the icons, painting each icon and adding some padding space between them 
     int x = 0; 
     for (int i = 0; i < m_icons.length; ++i) { 
      final ImageIcon icon = m_icons[ i ]; 
      graphics.drawImage(icon.getImage(), x, 0, null); 
      x += icon.getIconWidth() + ICON_PADDING; 

     return new ImageIcon(compositeImage); 

    /** Generates a hash that takes into account the number of icons this composition includes and the hash & 
    * order of those icons. 
    * @return A hash code. 
    public int hashCode() { 
     int weakHash = m_icons.length; 
     for (int i = 0; i < m_icons.length; ++i) { 
      weakHash += m_icons[i].hashCode() * (i + 1); 
     return weakHash; 

    /** Two instances are equal if and only if they include the same icons and they're in the same order. 
    * @param obj An object to check for equality with this. 
    * @return true if the two objects are equal, false otherwise. 
    public boolean equals(final Object obj) { 
     if (!(obj instanceof CachedCompositeIcon)) { 
      return false; 

     final CachedCompositeIcon other = (CachedCompositeIcon) obj; 
     if (m_icons.length != other.m_icons.length) { 
      return false; 

     for (int i = 0; i < m_icons.length; ++i) { 
      if (m_icons[i].hashCode() != other.m_icons[i].hashCode()) { 
       return false; 

     return true; 


label.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 2, 10, 10)); 

如果您添加fe JPanel to JLabel然後不要忘記setOpaque(false);