How do I make a callable JS object with an arbitrary prototype?做一個javascript函數繼承原型
//Here is the parent object:
var Human = function(){
this.isAlive = true;
Human.prototype.say = function(what){
alert(what + '!');
//These will inherit from it:
var ninja = function() {
alert("I'm a ninja!");
var samurai = function(){
alert("I'm a samurai!");
//Now, how can I make ninja and samurai behave like this:
ninja(); //I'm a ninja!
samurai(); //I'm a samurai!
ninja.say('Hello'); //Hello!
//And they should keep their inheritance. Like:
Human.prototype.die = function(){
this.isAlive = false;
ninja.isAlive == false;
samurai.isAlive == true;
注意:我要在Adobe ExtendScript中使用它(又名支持JavaScript),它不知道現代JavaScript。像,Object.defineProperty不起作用。那麼,有沒有一個正常的,標準的方法來做到這一點?
我不認爲你可以做到這一點沒有聲明'新忍者()',但也許有人可以證明我錯了。 – lbstr
+1好找 - 我會說那個答案證明我錯了 – lbstr
@apslillers是的,我不這些都是相同的問題。 – Aria