我所困擾的任務是,我必須將文件的表格內容放到詞典結構的字典中。 該文件包含這樣的內容:(前六行ascii文件)Python3:文件中表格內容的詞典詞典
Name ----------- | Alt name ------- | ------ RA | ----- DEC | ----- Z^| --- CR | ---- FX | --- FX * |錯誤| --- LX | -NH-| ID- |參考號碼 - --- RXCJ0000.1 + 0816 UGC12890 0.0295 8.2744 0.0396 0.26 5.80 5.39 12.4 0.37 5.9 1,3- RXCJ0001.9 + 1204 A2692 0.4877 12.0730 0.2033 0.08 1.82 1.81 17.9 3.24 5.1 1
RXCJ0004.9 + 1142 UGC00032 1.2473 11.7006 0.0761 0.17 3.78 3.68 12.7 0.93 5.3 2,4-
RXCJ0005.3 + 1612 A2703 1.3440 16.2105 0.1164 0.24 4.96 4.94 11.8 2.88 3.7乙-2,5-
RXCJ0006.3 + 1052)1.5906 10.8677 0.1698 0.15 3.28 3.28 19.3 4.05 5.6 1
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from collections import *
from re import *
obsrun = {}
objects = {}
re = compile('\d+.\d\d\d\d')
filename = 'test.asc'
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for l in line[2:]:
#split the read lines into a list
o_bject = l.split()
#interate over each entry and people the line-dictionary with values of interest
#what's needed (in col of table): identifier, common name, rightascension, declination
for k in o_bject:
objects.__setitem__('id', o_bject[0])
objects.__setitem__('common_name', o_bject[1])
# sometimes the common name has blanks, multiple entries or replacements
if re.match(o_bject[2]):
objects.__setitem__('ra', float(o_bject[2]))
objects.__setitem__('dec', float(o_bject[3]))
objects.__setitem__('ra', float(o_bject[3]))
objects.__setitem__('dec', float(o_bject[4]))
#extract the identifier (name of the object) for use as key
name = objects.get('id')
print(objects) #*
# as documented in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1024847/add-to-a-dictionary-in-python
obsrun[name] = objects
#getting an ordered dictionary sorted by keys
OrderedDict(sorted(obsrun.items(), key= lambda t: t[0])) #t[0] keys,t[1] values
從控制檯上的輸出中可以看到的是,內部for-loop是做什麼應該做的。它由*處的打印(對象)確認。 但是,在第二個字典中存儲row-dicts的值時,它是具有相同值的人。鑰匙的製造正確。
我不明白的是,print()命令顯示「對象」的正確內容,但它們沒有正確存儲到「obsrun」中。 錯誤在於字典視圖性質還是我做錯了什麼?
由於提前, 基督教