我回答我的問題。 研究後,我建議部署整個SVG-EDIT lib放到MVC架構,然後修改嵌入API如下:
document.write("<script type='text/javascript' src='~/Scripts/svg-edit/embedapi.js'></script>");
// Make sure to add the embedapi into the html file, becuase the intialization function runs actually in that file, all this call does is basically to take the iframe from html and inialize the api within that tag.
$(document).ready(function() {
// jquery selectro
$("#LoadSVG").click(function() {
$("#svg").append($('<iframe src="/Scripts/svg-edit/svg-editor.html" width="900px" height="600px" id="svgedit"></iframe>'));
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<input id="LoadSVG" type="button" value="LoadSVG" />
<input id="CloseSVG" type="button" value="CloseSVG" />
<input id="save" type="button" value="save" onclick="save()">
<input id="Add" type="button" value="AddNewTag!" onclick="AddNewElemnt()" />
<input id="LoadExample" type="button" value ="LoadExample" onclick="LoadExample()"/>
<body id ="mainBody">
<p id="svg"></p>
<p id="DivData"></p>
<p id="TestId"></p>
<p id="SavedData"></p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<input id="LoadSVG" type="button" value="LoadSVG" />
<input id="CloseSVG" type="button" value="CloseSVG" />
<input id="save" type="button" value="save" onclick="save()">
<input id="Add" type="button" value="AddNewTag!" onclick="AddNewElemnt()" />
<input id="LoadExample" type="button" value ="LoadExample" onclick="LoadExample()"/>
<body id ="mainBody">
<p id="svg"></p>
<p id="DivData"></p>
<p id="TestId"></p>
<p id="SavedData"></p>
document.write("<script type='text/javascript' src='~/Scripts/svg-edit/embedapi.js'></script>");
document.write("<script src='~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.js'></script>");
$(document).ready(function() {
// jquery selectro
$("#LoadSVG").click(function() {
$("#svg").append($('<iframe src="/Scripts/svg-edit/svg-editor.html" width="900px" height="600px" id="svgedit"></iframe>'));
$(document).ready(function() {
// jquery selectro
$("#save1").click(function() {
$("#DivData").append("<b>Appended text</b>");
$("#CloseSVG").click(function() {
function HandleSvgData(data,error) {
if (error) {
alert('Error:' + error);
} else {
function handleSvgData(data, error) {
alert("handling Data");
if (error) {
alert('error ' + error);
} else {
alert('Congratulations. Your SVG string is back in the host page, do with it what you will\n\n' + data);
function save1() {
// svgCanvas.getSvgString()(handleSvgData);
$("#svgedit").append($('This is the test classed appended after DivDat'));
function AddNewElemnt()
var newElement = document.createElement("Test");
var newNode = document.createTextNode("This is my new node!");
var referenceElement = document.getElementById("mainBody");
var tagInsert = document.getElementById("TestId");
referenceElement.insertBefore(newElement, tagInsert);
// alert("added");
function Postt(data) {
function Post(data) {
var mainBody = document.getElementById("mainBody");
var SvgDataId = prompt("give me primary id");
var SvgUser = prompt("give me UserName");
var form = document.createElement("form");
form.setAttribute("id", "PostData");
form.setAttribute("action", "/SvgDatas/Create");
form.setAttribute("method", "post");
var PostData = document.getElementById("PostData");
var InputSvgDataId = document.createElement("input");
InputSvgDataId.setAttribute("name", "SvgDataId");
InputSvgDataId.setAttribute("value", SvgDataId);
var InputSvgUser = document.createElement("input");
InputSvgUser.setAttribute("name", "SvgUser");
InputSvgUser.setAttribute("value", SvgUser);
var InputData = document.createElement("input");
InputData.setAttribute("name", "Data");
InputData.setAttribute("value", data);
function save() {
var doc, mainButton,
frame = document.getElementById('svgedit');
svgCanvas = new EmbeddedSVGEdit(frame);
// Hide main button, as we will be controlling new, load, save, etc. from the host document
doc = frame.contentDocument || frame.contentWindow.document;
mainButton = doc.getElementById('main_button');
mainButton.style.display = 'none';
// get data
svgCanvas.getSvgString()(function handleSvgData(data, error) {
if (error) {
alert('error ' + error);
} else {
alert('Congratulations. Your SVG string is back in the host page, do with it what you will\n\n' + data);
function BuidUrl(SVGUser) {
var uri = prompt("Give me url where the serach function lives, if empty then I will use Razor syntax to call within MVC architescture");
if (uri)
return uri;
else {
var urlHelper = ('http://localhost:53546/SvgDatas/Search?id='+SVGUser);
return urlHelper;
function returnedData_IntializeEditor(data, status) {
if ((data != null) && (status == "success")) {
var frame = document.getElementById('svgedit');
svgCanvas = new EmbeddedSVGEdit(frame);
doc = frame.contentDocument || frame.contentWindow.document;
mainButton = doc.getElementById('main_button');
tool_Bottum = doc.getElementById("#tool_button");
mainButton.style.display = 'none';
// Open Data into the frame
// var svgexample = '<svg width="640" height="480" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g><title>Layer 1<\/title><rect stroke-width="5" stroke="#000000" fill="#FF0000" id="svg_1" height="35" width="51" y="35" x="32"/><ellipse ry="15" rx="24" stroke-width="5" stroke="#000000" fill="#0000ff" id="svg_2" cy="60" cx="66"/><\/g><\/svg>';
} else {
$("#svg").append("<li>There is not such a data available in the database!</li>");
function LoadExample() {
var SVGUser = prompt("Enter the SVG ID");
$.getJSON("http://localhost:53546/SvgDatas/Search?id=" + SVGUser, returnedData_IntializeEditor);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace IntegrationOfSVG.Models
public class SvgData
public string SvgDataId { get; set; }
public string SvgUser { get; set; }
public string Data { get; set; }
function RemoveTools() {
var frame = document.getElementsByClassName("iFrameHtmlTag")[0];
doc = frame.contentWindow.document;
if (doc != null) {
var Tools = [
'tools_top', 'tools_left', 'tools_bottom', 'sidepanels', 'main_icon', 'rulers', 'sidepanels', 'canvashadow'];
for (i=0; i<Tools.length;i++)
doc.getElementById(Tools[i]).style.display = "none";
} else
alert("Doc was null");
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#hide").click(function() {
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function RemoveTools(){ var frame = document.getElementsByClassName(「iFrameHtmlTag」)[0]; doc = frame.contentWindow.document; (doc!= null)var Tools = ['tool_top','tools_left','tools_bottom','sidepanels','main_icon','標尺','sidepanels','canvashadow']; for(i = 0; i