2014-09-19 35 views

我是使用NuGet管理軟件包的新手。我使用了Visual Studio 2008-2010幾年,並使用NuGet一點,但我遠離專家。Visual Studio 2012的NuGet軟件包將無法在MonoDevelop 5.0.1中恢復

我有一個Visual Studio 2012程序,我沒有寫,我試圖讓程序在MonoDevelop 5.0.1下編譯。當我將項目加載到MonoDevelop的,包控制檯上寫着:

WARNING: Error: SendFailure (Error writing headers) 
WARNING: Error: SendFailure (Error writing headers) 
WARNING: Error: SendFailure (Error writing headers) 
WARNING: Error: SendFailure (Error writing headers) 
WARNING: Error: SendFailure (Error writing headers) 
WARNING: Error: SendFailure (Error writing headers) 
WARNING: Error: SendFailure (Error writing headers) 
WARNING: Error: SendFailure (Error writing headers) 
WARNING: Error: SendFailure (Error writing headers) 
WARNING: Error: SendFailure (Error writing headers) 
WARNING: Error: SendFailure (Error writing headers) 
Unable to find version '' of package 'MSBuildTasks'. 
Unable to find version '' of package 'NLog'. 
Unable to find version '1.2.0' of package 'NodaTime'. 
Unable to find version '2.0.11' of package 'Npgsql'. 
Unable to find version '' of package 'protobuf-net'. 
Unable to find version '2.8.4' of package 'RabbitMQ.Client'. 
Unable to find version '' of package 'MailKit'. 
Unable to find version '' of package 'MimeKit'. 
Unable to find version '4.0.10827' of package 'Moq'. 
Unable to find version '1.2.2' of package 'elmah.corelibrary'. 
Unable to find version '5.0.6' of package 'Newtonsoft.Json'. 

The application was terminated by a signal: SIGHUP 


如果有人對此問題有全面的解決方案,請發佈。我敢肯定,一個全面的解決方案對於很多試圖將Visual Studio項目轉換爲MonoDevelop的人非常有幫助。




mozroots --import --sync 



我運行它,結果如下:Mozilla Roots Importer - 版本3.8.0.0 從Mozilla的MXR下載並導入受信任的根證書。版權所有2002,2003 Motus Technologies公司。版權所有2004-2008 Novell。 BSD許可。 從'http://mxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/security/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt?raw = 1'下載... 將證書導入用戶存儲... 您的信任存儲添加了140個新的根證書。 導入過程完成。不幸的是,我仍然收到SendFailures。 – 2014-09-19 14:37:19


你重新啓動MonoDevelop? – 2014-09-19 14:50:47


幾次來確定這不是問題。不用找了。 – 2014-09-19 22:18:06
