findPointsInRangeOfX (int xMin, int xMax) throws LineIsVerticalException {
// check if line is vertical
// if vertical, throw an exception
// else calculate the y values for each integer between xMin and xMax
// return y values
pointsInWindow (int xMin, int xMax, int yMin, int yMax) {
try {
// Find list of all the points between xMin and xMax.
// Remove from list all points not between yMin and yMax
catch (LineIsVerticalException e) {
// If line is vertical, cannot find points between xMin and xMax
try {
// Instead, find list of all points between yMin and yMax
// Remove from list all points not between xMin and xMax
catch (LineIsHorizontalException e) {
// This part will never be reached because the line is vertical
// But the compiler complains if the exception isn't caught
可以嗎?我沒有拋出異常 - 因爲有一條垂直線沒什麼問題 - 但是我用它來告訴pointsInWindow它需要找到y值之間的點而不是x值。我是否應該複製檢查以查看該行是否在pointsInWindow函數中是垂直的而不是使用try catch塊?如果我確實複製了支票,我應該一起擺脫LineIsVerticalException嗎?
您可能會發現一些關於何時拋出異常有趣http://stackoverflow.com/questions/77127/when-to-throw-an-exception以及這堆流量的因爲這與其他材料的鏈接http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15542608/design-patterns-exception-error-handling –