如何將數組輸出保存爲csv文件? 我試過用csv模塊,但沒有給我正確的輸出。我想要像下面的圖片一樣的輸出。將數組數據放在csv文件中
<div class="side-article txt-article">
<p><strong></strong> <a href="http://batam.tribunnews.com/tag/polres/" title="Polres"></a> <a href="http://batam.tribunnews.com/tag/bintan/" title="Bintan"></a></p>
<p><a href="http://batam.tribunnews.com/tag/polres/" title="Polres"></a></p>
<p><a href="http://batam.tribunnews.com/tag" title="Polres"></a> <a href="http://batam.tribunnews.com/tag/bintan/" title="Bintan"></a></p>
import csv
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
with open('output1.html', 'r') as f:
html = f.read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html.strip(), 'html.parser')
for line in html.strip().split('\n'):
link_words = 0
line_soup = BeautifulSoup(line.strip(), 'html.parser')
for link in line_soup.findAll('a'):
link_words += len(link.text.split())
# naive way to get words count
words_count = len(line_soup.text.split())- link_words
number_tag_p = len(line_soup.find_all('p'))
number_tag_br = len(line_soup.find_all('br'))
number_tag_break = number_tag_br + number_tag_p
#for line in html.strip().split('\n'):
number_of_starttags = 0
number_of_endtags = 0
# create a subclass and override the handler methods
class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
global number_of_starttags
number_of_starttags += 1
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
global number_of_endtags
number_of_endtags += 1
# instantiate the parser and fed it some HTML
parser = MyHTMLParser()
number_tag = number_of_starttags + number_of_endtags
#print(number_of_starttags + number_of_endtags)
CTTD = words_count + link_words + number_tag_break
if (words_count + link_words) == 0:
CTTD == 0
print ('TC : {0} LTC : {1} TG : {2} P : {3} CTTD : {4}'
.format(words_count, link_words, number_tag, number_tag_break, CTTD))
res = ('TC : {0} LTC : {1} TG : {2} P : {3} CTTD : {4}'
.format(words_count, link_words, number_tag, number_tag_break, CTTD))
csvfile = "./output1.csv"
#Assuming res is a flat list
with open(csvfile, "wb") as output:
writer = csv.writer(output, lineterminator='\n')
for val in res:
#Assuming res is a list of lists
with open(csvfile, "wb") as output:
writer = csv.writer(output, lineterminator='\n')
TC : 0 LTC : 0 TG : 0 P : 0 CTTD : 0
TC : 0 LTC : 0 TG : 0 P : 0 CTTD : 0
TC : 0 LTC : 0 TG : 1 P : 0 CTTD : 0
TC : 0 LTC : 0 TG : 1 P : 0 CTTD : 0
TC : 15 LTC : 0 TG : 2 P : 0 CTTD : 15
如何將打印保存爲csv? 任何python庫可以做到這一點?
在做了'csv'模塊失敗有什麼辦法名單?它是工作的工具。輸出中是否有空白或其他裝飾繁榮的問題?我所知道的任何工具都不會輸出您呈現的確切表格,因爲該表格由GUI呈現,根本不在文件中。如果您只需簡單地保存逗號分隔的csv,然後將其導入到電子表格中,就可以得到您展示的內容。 – tdelaney
[將數組寫入列中的csv]可能的副本(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33268347/writing-arrays-to-a-csv-in-columns) – wuno
@tdelaney我更新了我的輸出。謝謝 –