2013-11-15 43 views


$("select#" + prefix + "1_" + num).val(smart_cat_data['cat_lvl2_id']); 
    Foundation.libs.forms.refresh_custom_select($("select#" + prefix + "1_" + num), true); 
    console.log("initial value and change DONE"); 
    $.when(populateDep.call($("select#" + prefix + "1_" + num)), 
    console.log("loading dependent select DONE"), 
    console.log("setting " + prefix + "2_" + num + " TO: " + smart_cat_data['cat_lvl3_id']) 
    $("#" + prefix + "2_" + num + " > option").each(function() { 
     console.log(this.text + ' ' + this.value); 

    $("select#" + prefix + "2_" + num).val(smart_cat_data['cat_lvl3_id']); 
    Foundation.libs.forms.refresh_custom_select($("select#" + prefix + "2_" + num), true); 
    console.log($("select#" + prefix + "2_" + num).val()); 


function populateDep(){ 
    id_in_str = $(this).attr('id'); 
console.log('PROCESSING:' + id_in_str); 
    var ctrl = id_in_str.slice(0,3); // the second param is POSITION not LENGTH! 
    var this_select = parseInt(id_in_str.slice(3,4), 10); // the second param is POSITION not LENGTH! 
    var row = id_in_str.slice(5); 

    $.getJSON("/cat_dropdowns",{parent_id: $(this).val(), required: '1', ajax: 'true'}, function(j){ 
     var options = ''; 
     for (var i = 0; i < j.length; i++) { 
     options += '<option value="' + j[i].value + '">' + j[i].text + '</option>'; 

    var next_select = ++this_select; 
     $("select#" + ctrl + next_select + "_" + row).html(options); 

        $("#" + ctrl + next_select + "_" + row + " > option").each(function() { 
         console.log('populateDep: ' + this.text + ' ' + this.value); 
     Foundation.libs.forms.refresh_custom_select($('#' + ctrl + next_select + "_" + row), true); 
console.log('this should be after the selects but before the end'); 
console.log('populateDep DONE'); 

但由於某些原因,從populateDep console.logs打印後,聲稱要完蛋。它與我的選擇的選項搞亂,不允許我自動選擇像我需要的。這是一個新手嗎?我錯過了什麼嗎?我包括一個螢火蟲的圖像,因爲我認爲這將是最簡單的。

enter image description here


function populateDep(){ 
    id_in_str = $(this).attr('id'); 
console.log('PROCESSING:' + id_in_str); 
    var ctrl = id_in_str.slice(0,3); // the second param is POSITION not LENGTH! 
    var this_select = parseInt(id_in_str.slice(3,4), 10); // the second param is POSITION not LENGTH! 
    var row = id_in_str.slice(5); 

    $.when($.getJSON("/cat_dropdowns",{parent_id: $(this).val(), required: '1', ajax: 'true'}, function(j){ 
     var options = ''; 
     for (var i = 0; i < j.length; i++) { 
     options += '<option value="' + j[i].value + '">' + j[i].text + '</option>'; 

    console.log('starting then'); 
    var next_select = ++this_select; 
     $("select#" + ctrl + next_select + "_" + row).html(options); 

    $("#" + ctrl + next_select + "_" + row + " > option").each(function() { 
     console.log('populateDep: ' + this.text + ' ' + this.value); 
     Foundation.libs.forms.refresh_custom_select($('#' + ctrl + next_select + "_" + row), true); 
     console.log('this should be after the selects but before the end'); 

console.log('populateDep DONE'); 

,它似乎不被填充選擇可言。請注意,$ .getJSON已經有一個回調,所以我很困惑到底發生了什麼。


你需要傳遞承諾對象'$ .when'你不這樣做,可能對問題 –


同樣的原因,'console.log'應該異步調用之前執行回功能。基本上,在任務'$ .getJSON'完成後,回調被觸發,但是是異步的,'$ .getJSON'可以讓其他代碼在關閉時執行並執行其操作。 –


@JasonNichols對不起,我不明白。我希望在$ .getJSON完成後發生在populateDep中的$ .getJSON之後發生的所有事情。我應該在什麼時候包裝它? –





$("select#" + prefix + "1_" + num).val(smart_cat_data['cat_lvl2_id']); 
Foundation.libs.forms.refresh_custom_select($("select#" + prefix + "1_" + num), true); 
console.log("initial value and change DONE"); 

populateDep.call($("select#" + prefix + "1_" + num)).done(function (x) { 
    $("#" + prefix + "2_" + num + " > option").each(function() { 
     console.log(this.text + ' ' + this.value); 

    $("select#" + prefix + "2_" + num).val(smart_cat_data['cat_lvl3_id']); 
    Foundation.libs.forms.refresh_custom_select($("select#" + prefix + "2_" + num), true); 
    console.log($("select#" + prefix + "2_" + num).val()); 

function populateDep() { 
    id_in_str = $(this).attr('id'); 
    console.log('PROCESSING:' + id_in_str); 
    var ctrl = id_in_str.slice(0, 3); // the second param is POSITION not LENGTH! 
    var this_select = parseInt(id_in_str.slice(3, 4), 10); // the second param is POSITION not LENGTH! 
    var row = id_in_str.slice(5); 

    return $.getJSON("/cat_dropdowns", { 
     parent_id: $(this).val(), 
     required: '1', 
     ajax: 'true' 
    }, function (j) { 
     var options = ''; 
     for (var i = 0; i < j.length; i++) { 
      options += '<option value="' + j[i].value + '">' + j[i].text + '</option>'; 

     var next_select = ++this_select; 
     $("select#" + ctrl + next_select + "_" + row).html(options); 

     $("#" + ctrl + next_select + "_" + row + " > option").each(function() { 
      console.log('populateDep: ' + this.text + ' ' + this.value); 
     Foundation.libs.forms.refresh_custom_select($('#' + ctrl + next_select + "_" + row), true); 
     console.log('this should be after the selects but before the end'); 