2013-10-24 49 views
function makeCall(file, handlerFile, sendMethod, formData) { 

     url: handlerFile, 
     type: sendMethod, 
     xhr: function() { // Custom XMLHttpRequest 
      var xhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr(); 

      if(xhr.upload) { // Check if upload property exists 
       xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', progressHandlingFunction.bind(file)); // For handling the progress of the upload 
       //xhr.upload.addEventListener('loadend', successHandler.bind(xhr)); 


      return xhr; 
     beforeSend: beforeSendHandler.bind(file), 
     success: completeHandler.bind(file), 
     //error: errorHandler, 
     data: formData, // Form data 
     dataType: 'json', 
     cache: true, 
     //async: false, 
     contentType: false, 
     processData: false 


$(".afu-input").on('change', function() { 
     var i = 0; 
     var length = this.files.length; 
     var files = this.files; 

     var calling = setInterval(function() { 
      var file = files[i]; 

      uid = generateUniqueId(); 
      file.id = uid; 

      var formData = null; 
      formData = new FormData(); 

      formData.append(i, file); 
      formData.append(i, [uid]); 

      makeCall(file, handlerFile, sendMethod, formData); 


      if (i >= length) { 
     }, 2000); // Delay is for testing. Normaly there is no delay 


我的目標是創建一個腳本,用於上傳輸入[type = file]變化的圖像(以及其他文件)。我試圖用一個請求上傳多個文件,但是將進度事件註冊爲一個。我有想過將大塊文件分割成幾部分,但是這個變體看起來更簡單(只需要讓它工作,然後我改進它)。謝謝。


上傳之間有2秒的延遲是否有原因? – user1091949


Nop,僅用於測試,我在尋找問題並添加了2秒的延遲。昨天我在Google上搜了很多,發現可以用jQuery中的Deferred來完成,我會盡快進行測試。 – TomasAchmedovas





function makeCall(file, formData) { 
    return $.ajax({ // It's necessary to return ajax call 
     url: 'handler.php', 
     type: 'POST', 
     xhr: function() { // Creating custom XHR to register progress event(If you know better solution - please post ir) 
      var xhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr(); 

      if (xhr.upload) { // Check if upload property exists 
       xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', progressHandlingFunction.bind(file)); // Registering progress event 

      return xhr; 
     // Events handlers 
     beforeSend: beforeSendHandler.bind(file), 
     success: completeHandler, 
     data: formData, 
     dataType: 'json', 
     cache: true, 
     contentType: false, 
     proccessData: false 

$('.afu-input').on('change', function() { 
    var files = this.files; 
    var calls = []; 

    $.each(files, function(i, file) { 
     uid = generateUniqueId(); 
     file.id = uid; 

     var formData = new formData(); 

     formData.append(0, file); // Just easier to set index to 0 cause for every file returning new obejct, so is no point to set more indexes 

     calls.push(makeCall(file, formData)); // And finally pushing calls to array 

    // Using jQuery.when 
    // Cause I don't know how many calls will be I'm using "apply" so I can add array instead of one by one calls 
    $.when.apply($, calls); // Exactly I don't know why need "$" 

function beforeSendHandler() { 

function completeHandler(data) { 

function progressHandlingFunction(e) { 

Hooow,這個腳本太棒了 – Ahmad