// (Note:
// The writeLog() function has been set up previously and is a
// trivial function that adds timestamped lines into a logfile.)
$PIDfile='/tmp/myPID'; // Store process ID in this file
// If a deamon is already running, display its PID and abort:
if (file_exists ($PIDfile)) {
if (is_readable ($PIDfile))
die ($PIDfile . " already exists, PID=" .
file_get_contents ($PIDfile) . " (stale PID file?)\n");
die ($PIDfile . " already exists, but is not readable.\n");
// Set execution directives if we're running a PHP version prior to 5.3.0
// (ticks are deprecated as of PHP5.3.0 and will be removed from PHP6.0.0):
if (version_compare (PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<'))
declare (ticks = 1);
// Fork off the background (daemon) process:
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($pid == -1) {
die ("Fatal: unable to fork.\n");
} elseif ($pid)
exit(); // We are the parent process
// If we arrive at this point, we are the child process.
// Detach from the controlling terminal:
if (posix_setsid() == -1)
die ("Fatal: unable to detach from terminal.\n");
// Register child PID:
$posid = posix_getpid();
$fp = fopen ($PIDfile, "w");
fwrite ($fp, $posid);
fclose ($fp);
// Set up signal handlers:
pcntl_signal (SIGTERM, "SIGhandler");
pcntl_signal (SIGHUP, "SIGhandler");
// Log successful deamonization:
writeLog ("Daemon spawned, PID = " . $posid);
// Daemon payload code starts here:
while (1) {
// Do all kinds of interesting stuff that does not require any user
// input or screen output. In my case this consisted of file I/O and
// communication with a server using various sockets.
// EOF
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