2013-01-15 56 views


,我們將命名一批「彙總數據」如果這個數字具有以下屬性: 就像斐波那契數 1 ,1,2,3,5,8,13 .....


like 112358, because 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8 
122436, because 12+24=36 
1299111210, because 12+99=111, 99+111=210 
112112224, because 112+112=224 

對不完整的問題,我們需要編寫函數來測試一個數字是否被聚合? 任何想法請幫助


你可以說你的問題是一個問題嗎?現在很難回答。 – BlackVegetable


這裏沒問題, –


增加了這個問題... –




* Returns true if the provided number is an aggregated number 
* @param potentialAggregatedNumber The number to check. 
boolean isAggregated (potentialAggregatedNumber){ 
    for(numDigits=1; numDigits <= (potentialAggregatedNumber.length/2); numDigits++){ 
     if(isAggregatedForFirstNumberLength(potentialAggregatedNumber, numDigits) { 
      return true; 
    return false; 

    * Returns true if aggregated number when the first number has numDigits digits. 
    * @param potentialAggregatedNumber The number to check. 
    * @param numDigits The number of digits the first sub-number should have. 
boolean isAggregatedForFirstNumberLength(potentialAggregatedNumber, numDigits){ 
    //your code 

這並沒有多大幫助。除以3是錯誤的。 – Dialecticus


@Dialecticus:要成爲一個「聚合數字」,它必須至少有三個部分:兩個數字要加,一個作爲總和。我假設第二個數字的價值相等或更高,但我認爲「11011」可能是他的定義中的一個總數,現在我想到了它。我已經修改過來反映這一點。 – Briguy37


@Dialecticus:另外,我的意圖是讓他指向正確的方向,而不是給他完整的答案。 'isAggregatedForFirstNumberLength'絕對是一個比'isAggregated'更簡單的函數,所以如果他繼續沿着定義對更簡單更簡單的函數的需求的路徑,Sree最終會達到一個有效的算法。去Sree吧! :) – Briguy37



for (int both_digits = 2; both_digits * 2 <= total_digits; both_digits++) 
    for (int first_digit = 1; first_digit < both_digits; first_digit++) 
    int second_digit = both_digits - first_digit; 

    if (CheckAggregateNumber(aggregate_number, first_digit, second_digit)) 
     return true; 


aggregate_string = aggregate_number as string; 
first_number = aggregate_string.Substring(0, first_digit) as int; 
second_number = aggregate_string.Substring(first_digit, second_digit) as int; 
index_on_aggregate = first_digit + second_digit; 

begin loop 
    new_number = first_number + second_number; 
    new_string = new_number as string; 

    if (new_string == aggregate_string.Substring(index_on_aggregate, new_string.Length) 
    return false; 

    first_number = second_number; 
    second_number = new_number; 
    index_on_aggregate = index_on_aggregate + new_string.Length; 

    if (index_on_aggregate == aggregate_string.Length) 
    return true; 
end loop