2012-03-07 52 views

如何使QML中的listview出現在選項卡中。我在N9(Meego)的應用程序中使用代碼,但現在我需要在Symbian中使用它。當我將它從meego轉換爲symbian時,我做了一些更改,但沒有出現listview。請任何幫助。 注意:當我不使用標籤時出現相同的列表視圖!listview不會出現在TabGroup QML中嗎?


import QtQuick 1.1 
import com.nokia.symbian 1.1 
import com.nokia.extras 1.1 
import "UIConstants.js" as UiConstants 

Page { 
    id: mainpage 

     orientationLock: PageOrientation.LockPortrait 

    TabBar { 
      // platformStyle: TabButtonStyle { } 
      TabButton { 
      text: "Tab 1" 
       tab: tab1 

      TabButton { 
       text: "Tab 2" 

       tab: tab2 

      TabButton { 
       text: "Tab 3" 
       tab: tab3 

      TabButton { 
       text: "Tab 4" 
       tab: tab4 


    TabGroup { 
      id: tabGroup 

      PageStack { 
       id: tab1 
       Component.onCompleted: tab1.push(listPage) 

      // define the content for tab 1 
      Page { 
       id: listPage 

        Item { 
          id: testList 
          anchors.fill: parent 

           function openFile(file) { 
           var component = Qt.createComponent(file) 

           if (component.status == Component.Ready) { 
            console.log("Loading component okay"); 
           else { 
       console.log("Error loading component:", component.errorString()); 

          ListModel { 
           id: pagesModel 

           ListElement { 
            page: "InfoBannerPage.qml" 
            title: "InfoBanner" 
            subtitle: "Info Banner" 

           ListElement { 
            page: "RatingIndicator.qml" 
            title: "RatingIndicator" 
            subtitle: "Indicates ratings" 


          ListView { 
           id: list 
           model: pagesModel 
           anchors.fill: parent 

           delegate: ListItem { 
            id: listItem 

            platformInverted: mainWindow.childrenInverted 

            Row { 
             id: listItemRow 

             Column { 

              ListItemText { 
               id: mainText 
               // width: listItemRow.width 
               role: "Title" 
               text: title 


              ListItemText { 
               id: subText 
              // width: listItemRow.width 
               role: "SubTitle" 
               text: subtitle 
               visible: text != "" 


            onClicked: { testList.openFile(page); } 
           } // listItem 
          } // listView 

          ScrollDecorator { 
           flickableItem: listPage 
           platformInverted: mainWindow.childrenInverted 
         } // item 
        } // page 

      Page { 
       id: tab2 

      Page { 
       id: tab3 

      Page { 
      id: tab4 








import QtQuick 1.1 
import com.nokia.symbian 1.1 
import com.nokia.extras 1.1 

Page { 
    id: mainpage 

     orientationLock: PageOrientation.LockPortrait 

// tools: 
    TabBar { 
     id: tabBar 
     anchors {top: parent.top } 
      // platformStyle: TabButtonStyle { } 
      TabButton { 
      text: "Tab 1" 
       tab: tab1 

      TabButton { 
       text: "Tab 2" 

       tab: tab2 

      TabButton { 
       text: "Tab 3" 
       tab: tab3 

      TabButton { 
       text: "Tab 4" 
       tab: tab4 


    TabGroup { 
      id: tabGroup 
      anchors {top: tabBar.bottom; bottom: parent.bottom} 

      PageStack { 
       id: tab1 
       Component.onCompleted: tab1.push(listPage) 

      // define the content for tab 1 
      Page { 
       id: listPage 
       anchors.fill: parent 

        Item { 
          id: testList 
          anchors.fill: parent 

           function openFile(file) { 
           var component = Qt.createComponent(file) 

           if (component.status == Component.Ready) { 
            console.log("Loading component okay"); 
           else { 
       console.log("Error loading component:", component.errorString()); 

          ListModel { 
           id: pagesModel 

           ListElement { 
            page: "InfoBannerPage.qml" 
            title: "InfoBanner" 
            subtitle: "Info Banner" 

           ListElement { 
            page: "RatingIndicator.qml" 
            title: "RatingIndicator" 
            subtitle: "Indicates ratings" 


          ListView { 
           id: list 
           model: pagesModel 
           anchors.fill: parent 

           delegate: ListItem { 
            id: listItem 

//          platformInverted: mainWindow.childrenInverted 

            Row { 
             id: listItemRow 
             anchors.fill: listItem.paddingItem 

             Column { 

              ListItemText { 
               id: mainText 
               // width: listItemRow.width 
               role: "Title" 
               text: title 


              ListItemText { 
               id: subText 
              // width: listItemRow.width 
               role: "SubTitle" 
               text: subtitle 
               visible: text != "" 


            onClicked: { testList.openFile(page); } 
           } // listItem 
          } // listView 

          ScrollDecorator { 
//         flickableItem: listPage 
//         platformInverted: mainWindow.childrenInverted 
         } // item 
        } // page 

      Page { 
       id: tab2 

      Page { 
       id: tab3 

      Page { 
      id: tab4 



喜Koying ......非常感謝你..finally它的工作 – 2012-03-09 07:03:09


但有一個新的問題。似乎該項目不可點擊?你能否幫助我,如果我想讓列表滾動,如果所有的項目沒有出現在屏幕上? – 2012-03-09 07:23:26