type 'a tree = Leaf of 'a | Node of 'a * 'a tree list
let rec fold t acc f =
match t with
| Leaf x -> f acc x None
| Node (x, lst) ->
let deferred acc =
List.fold_left (fun acc t' -> fold t' acc f) acc lst in
f acc x (Some deferred)
- 跳過子樹遍歷如果需要
- 初始化子樹遍歷並撰寫結果
open Printf
let() =
let tree = Node (3, [Leaf 5; Leaf 3; Node (11, [Leaf 1; Leaf 2]); Leaf 18]) in
fold tree "" (fun str x nested ->
let plus str = if String.length str = 0 then "" else "+" in
let x = string_of_int x in
match nested with
| None -> str^(plus str)^x
| Some f -> str^(plus str)^x^"*("^(f "")^")"
|> printf "%s=";
fold tree 0 (fun acc x -> function
| None -> acc + x
| Some f -> x * (f 0) + acc
|> printf "%d\n";
相關 - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4434292/catamorphism-and-tree-traversing-in-haskell – nlucaroni