2016-10-16 94 views



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    <title>Home - Duck Duck Grouse</title> 

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    <img src="https://i.sli.mg/km2FIO.jpg" class="banner" /> 

    <ul class="navbar"> 
    <li class="navli"><a class="activeNav nava" href="mainPage.html">Home</a></li> 
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    <li class="navli"><a class="nava" href="coffee.html">Coffee</a></li> 
    <li class="navli"><a class="nava" href="menu.html">Menu</a></li> 
<p id='wew'>"Duck Duck Grouse is really good man" is what people say after dining here. 
Founded in 1969, we import only the finest beans grown by slaves in Africa, and 
we run over entire duck families ourselves, ensuring that they are finely crushed, 
just to have the freshest roadkill for our famous roast duck recipe. The tires on 
our cars have tiny spikes on them, ensuring your meat is finely tenderised before 
it even enters the kitchen.</p> 

<img id='spike' align="right" src="https://i.sli.mg/iu6da6.jpg" /> 





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    #spike { 
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    <img src="https://i.sli.mg/km2FIO.jpg" class="banner" /> 

    <ul class="navbar"> 
    <li class="navli"><a class="activeNav nava" href="mainPage.html">Home</a></li> 
    <li class="navli"><a class="nava" href="contact.html">Contact</a></li> 
    <li class="navli"><a class="nava" href="coffee.html">Coffee</a></li> 
    <li class="navli"><a class="nava" href="menu.html">Menu</a></li> 
<p id='wew'>"Duck Duck Grouse is really good man" is what people say after dining here. 
Founded in 1969, we import only the finest beans grown by slaves in Africa, and 
we run over entire duck families ourselves, ensuring that they are finely crushed, 
just to have the freshest roadkill for our famous roast duck recipe. The tires on 
our cars have tiny spikes on them, ensuring your meat is finely tenderised before 
it even enters the kitchen.</p> 

<img id='spike' align="right" src="https://i.sli.mg/iu6da6.jpg" /> 


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    margin: 0; 
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    overflow: hidden; 
    background-color: #333; 
    margin-top: -5px; 

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    background-color: #444; 
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    width: 25%; 
    margin-top: 0px; 

    .navli a { 
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    color: white; 
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    padding: 14px 0px; 
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    background-color: #333; 

    .activeNav { 
    background-color: #000; 

    .navli:last-child { 
    border-right: none; 

    #spike { 
    width: 40%; 

    #wew { 
    width: 53%; 
    margin-left: 3%; 
<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <title>Home - Duck Duck Grouse</title> 

    <img src="https://i.sli.mg/km2FIO.jpg" class="banner" /> 

    <ul class="navbar"> 
    <li class="navli"><a class="activeNav nava" href="mainPage.html">Home</a></li> 
    <li class="navli"><a class="nava" href="contact.html">Contact</a></li> 
    <li class="navli"><a class="nava" href="coffee.html">Coffee</a></li> 
    <li class="navli"><a class="nava" href="menu.html">Menu</a></li> 
<p id='wew'>"Duck Duck Grouse is really good man" is what people say after dining here. 
Founded in 1969, we import only the finest beans grown by slaves in Africa, and 
we run over entire duck families ourselves, ensuring that they are finely crushed, 
just to have the freshest roadkill for our famous roast duck recipe. The tires on 
our cars have tiny spikes on them, ensuring your meat is finely tenderised before 
it even enters the kitchen.</p> 

<img id='spike' align="right" src="https://i.sli.mg/iu6da6.jpg"/> 




#spike { 
    width: 39%; 
    margin-right: 2% 
    float: right; 

    #wew { 
    float: left; 
    width: 52%; 
    margin-left: 3%; 
