我想從列表中獲取具有最低價格值的對象。 我按照以下方法做了,但沒有收到物品。我不想訂購。如何使用linq獲取最小字段值的列表中的對象?
cOrderItem oItem = this.OrderItems
.Where(p => p.CategoryID == catID && p.n_IsOfferApplied == false)
.Min(p => p.OrderItemPrice).FirstOrDefault();
我想從列表中獲取具有最低價格值的對象。 我按照以下方法做了,但沒有收到物品。我不想訂購。如何使用linq獲取最小字段值的列表中的對象?
cOrderItem oItem = this.OrderItems
.Where(p => p.CategoryID == catID && p.n_IsOfferApplied == false)
.Min(p => p.OrderItemPrice).FirstOrDefault();
不返回item.It etc.If您想要的項目先拿到那麼最小值與where子句
var minValue = this.OrderItems.Min(p => p.OrderItemPrice);
cOrderItem oItem = this.OrderItems.Where(p => p.CategoryID == catID
&& p.n_IsOfferApplied == false
&& p.OrderItemPrice == minValue)
cOrderItem oItem = this.OrderItems.
Where(p => p.CategoryID == catID && p.n_IsOfferApplied == false).
OrderBy(p => p.OrderItemPrice).FirstOrDefault()
var data = (from r in OrderItems
where r.CategoryID == catID && r.n_IsOfferApplied == false
group r by r.CategoryID into g
select new { id = g.Key, data= g.Min(a=>a.OrderItemPrice) }).
var cat = from r in OrderItems
join d in data data on d.id == r.CategoryID
select r;
cOrderItem oItem = this.OrderItems
.Where(p =>
p.CategoryID == catID
&& p.n_IsOfferApplied == false
//Read as: "where the OrderItemPrice value is equal to the lowest occuring value in this.OrderItems
&& p.OrderItemPrice == this.OrderItems.Min(q => q.OrderItemPrice))
一個非常低效的方式。 –
時,它會在內存中創建源序列的新的有序副本(並再次枚舉源)。如果你想避免這種情況,你可以使用MoreLINQ MinBy(可從的NuGet)
cOrderItem oItem = OrderItems
.Where(p => p.CategoryID == catID && !p.n_IsOfferApplied)
.MinBy(p => p.OrderItemPrice);
public static T MinBy<T, TKey>(
this IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T, TKey> selector)
// throw if source or selector is null
using (var iterator = source.GetEnumerator())
if (!iterator.MoveNext())
return default(T);
var min = iterator.Current;
var minKey = selector(min);
IComparer<TKey> comparer = Comparer<TKey>.Default;
while (iterator.MoveNext())
var current = iterator.Current;
var currentKey = selector(current);
if (comparer.Compare(currentKey, minKey) < 0)
min = current;
minKey = currentKey;
return min;
只是有趣的 - 這個解決方案有什麼問題?它不使用排序,它修復了默認MinBy實現中空序列的問題 –
從問題:*「我不想做訂貨」 * –
@LB - 是的,我得到了,但林不知道爲什麼?因爲它的簡單方法做到這一點 –
MinBy更容易,O(n)。 –