curl -XPUT '' -d '{ "tweet" : { "_ttl" : { "enabled" : true, "default" : "2h" }}}'
{"error":"IndexAlreadyExistsException[[fluentd] already exists]","status":400}
<source> #Input plugins are defined be <source>...</source> statements
type syslog #This is the Syslog input plugin, which we will use later in this tutorial
port 42185
tag es.syslog
# type http #This is the HTTP input plugin, which turns Fluentd into an HTTP endpoint
# port 8888 #Send data to http://localhost:8888/<Fluentd tag>?json=<json event>
<match es.**>
type copy
type elasticsearch
logstash_format true
index_name fluentd
type_name fluentd
flush_interval 3 # For testing
host localhost
port 9200
# <store>
# type stdout
# </store>
彈性搜索在默認配置。與指數的目錄看起來是這樣的: LS的/ var/lib中/ elasticsearch/elasticsearch /節點/ 0 /指數:
fluentd logstash-2014.02.13 logstash-2014.02.16 logstash-2014.02.19 logstash-2014.02.22 logstash-2014.02.25 logstash-2014.02.28 logstash-2014.03.03 logstash-2014.03.06 logstash-2014.03.09 logstash-2014.03.12
kibana-int logstash-2014.02.14 logstash-2014.02.17 logstash-2014.02.20 logstash-2014.02.23 logstash-2014.02.26 logstash-2014.03.01 logstash-2014.03.04 logstash-2014.03.07 logstash-2014.03.10 logstash-2014.03.13
logstash-2014.02.12 logstash-2014.02.15 logstash-2014.02.18 logstash-2014.02.21 logstash-2014.02.24 logstash-2014.02.27 logstash-2014.03.02 logstash-2014.03.05 logstash-2014.03.08 logstash-2014.03.11 logstash-2014.03.14
你有任何問題重新索引? – BlackPOP