2015-11-09 52 views

我想在asp.net mvc中實現正確的n層體系結構,但是在[staffController]上有一些問題。關於在ASP.net中實現N層體系結構的問題MVC


public interface IEntity { 
     int Id { set; get; } // all entities have a ID property 

public interface IStaff : IEntity { 
     string Name { set; get; } // staff entity has NANE 

public class Staff : IStaff { 
     public int Id { get; set; } 
     public string Name { get; set; } 


public interface IViewModel { 
    int Id { set; get; } // based on IEntity , all ViewModel have ID too 

public interface IStaffViewModel : IViewModel { 
    string Name { set; get; } 
    string NameId { get; } 

public class StaffViewModel : IStaffViewModel { 
    public int Id { get; set; } 
    public string Name { get; set; } 

    public string NameId 
     get { return "Name" + Id;} 


public interface IRepository<TEntity, out TViewModel> 
          where TEntity : IEntity 
          where TViewModel : IViewModel { 
     TViewModel Load(int id); 

public class Repository : IRepository<IEntity,IViewModel> 
     public IViewModel Load(int id) 
      // load from database -> Map entity to Viewmodel and post ViewModel 


public interface IService<in TEntity, out TViewModel> 
         where TEntity : IEntity 
         where TViewModel : IViewModel { 

    TViewModel LoadEntity(int id); 
public class Service<TEntity, TViewModel> 
         : IService<TEntity , TViewModel> 
         where TEntity : IEntity 
         where TViewModel : IViewModel { 
    private readonly IRepository<TEntity, TViewModel> _repository; 

    public Service(IRepository<TEntity,TViewModel> repository) 
     _repository = repository; 

    public TViewModel LoadEntity(int id) 
     return _repository.Load(id); 


public interface IStaffService : IService<IStaff,IStaffViewModel> { } 
public class StaffService : Service<IStaff,IStaffViewModel>, IStaffService 
    private readonly IRepository<IStaff, IStaffViewModel> _repository; 

    public StaffService(IRepository<IStaff, IStaffViewModel> repository) : base(repository) 
     _repository = repository; 


public class BaseControlle 
    private readonly IService<IEntity, IViewModel> _service; 

    public BaseControlle(IService<IEntity,IViewModel> service) 
     _service = service; 


public class StaffController : BaseControlle 
    public StaffController(IStaffService service) : base(service) 
     // **I have Problem here with base(service) 



您可能還需要遵守[樓梯模式](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29259414/stairway-pattern-implementation),即接口和具體類的分離。另外,在企業級別,您可能需要遵循[SOLID原則](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOLID_(object-oriented_design)) – Corak




public class BaseController<TEntity, TViewModel> 
    private readonly IService<TEntity, TViewModel> _service; 

    public BaseControlle(IService<TEntity, TViewModel> service) 
     _service = service; 

public class StaffController : BaseController<IStaff, IStaffViewModel> 
    public StaffController(IStaffService service) : base(service) 