2017-02-27 30 views

我使用Visual Studio 2010在AutoCAD 2010中編寫了一些DOT NET例程,但現在我們正在升級到AutoCAD 2017/Visual Studio 2015.如何使用Visual Studio 2015在AutoCAD 2017中生成Flyouts,工具欄和按鈕

我已經成功地將所有代碼導入到新環境中,並且一切正常,除了彈出窗口,工具欄和工具欄按鈕。這些甚至在程序啓動並且我的DLL被網絡加載後在AutoCAD 2017中完全不顯示。然而,所有的命令在AutoCAD中仍然可用,但只能通過命令行。


下面是在程序初始化運行myCommands.vb文件,這應該顯示我在AutoCAD 2017年展開工具欄,但不會:

Option Explicit On 
Imports Microsoft.Win32 
Imports System.Reflection 
Imports System.Data.OleDb 
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices 
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices 
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime 
Imports acApp = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application 
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices 
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput 
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry 
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Customization 
Imports acOp = Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop 
Imports acOpCom = Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common 

<Assembly: CommandClass(GetType(CatScript17.CatScriptCommands))> 
Namespace CatScript17 
    ' Manages all CatScript commands for this software. Also contains all the autocad flyout/toolbar commands. 
    Public Class CatScriptCommands 
     Implements IExtensionApplication 
     Public Shared strAppName As String = "CatScript17" 
     Public Shared cs As CustomizationSection 
     Public Shared restoreDefaultMacro As Boolean = False 

     Public Sub Initialize() Implements IExtensionApplication.Initialize 
      ' Autoload the catscript17 flyouts and toolbars into AutoCAD 2017 upon each startup 
     End Sub 

     Public Sub Terminate() Implements IExtensionApplication.Terminate 
      Throw New NotImplementedException() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the Air Conveyor Corner form 
     <CommandMethod("accorner", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub acCorner() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the Air Conveyor Side Elevation form 
     <CommandMethod("acelevation", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub acElevation() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the Air Conveyor Straight form 
     <CommandMethod("acstraight", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub acStraight() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the Case Straight Combo form 
     <CommandMethod("cccombo", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub ccCombo() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the Case Corner Conveyor form 
     <CommandMethod("cccorner", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub ccCorner() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the Case Conveyor Side Elevation form 
     <CommandMethod("ccelevation", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub ccElevation() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the Case Straight Conveyor form 
     <CommandMethod("ccstraight", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub ccStraight() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the Case Turner Conveyor form 
     <CommandMethod("ccturner", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub ccTurner() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the Case Zero Pressure Conveyor form 
     <CommandMethod("cczeropressure", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub ccZeroPressure() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the table top Bi-Di form 
     <CommandMethod("ttbidi", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub ttBiDi() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the table top Combiner form 
     <CommandMethod("ttcombiner", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub ttCombiner() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the table top Corner form 
     <CommandMethod("ttcorner", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub ttCorner() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the table top Decel form 
     <CommandMethod("ttdecel", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub ttDecel() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the table top Divert form 
     <CommandMethod("ttdivert", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub ttDivert() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the table top Dynamic form 
     <CommandMethod("ttdynamic", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub ttDynamic() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the Table Top Side Elevation form 
     <CommandMethod("ttelevation", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub ttElevation() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the Mass Merge Conveyor form 
     <CommandMethod("ttmerge", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub ttMerge() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the Mass Parallel Conveyor form 
     <CommandMethod("ttparallel", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub ttParallel() 
     End Sub 

     ' Displaying the Mass Straight Conveyor form 
     <CommandMethod("ttstraight", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)> 
     Public Shared Sub ttStraight() 
     End Sub 
    End Class 

    Public Class CatScriptToolbar 
     ' Properties 
     Private Shared groups As acOp.AcadMenuGroups 
     Private Shared group As acOp.AcadMenuGroup 
     Private Shared toolbars As acOp.IAcadToolbars 
     Private Shared toolbar As acOp.AcadToolbar 
     Private Shared flyout As acOp.AcadToolbarItem 
     ' Methods 
     ' Component for adding toolbars and flyouts 
     Public Shared Sub addToolbar() 
       Dim app As acOp.AcadApplication = _ 
       DirectCast(Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.AcadApplication, _ 

       ' Define the toolbars group 
       groups = app.MenuGroups 
       group = groups.Item(0) 
       toolbars = group.Toolbars 

       ' Generate the flyout toolbar 
       toolbar = toolbars.Add("CatScript Tools") 

       ' Generate the flyouts 

       ' Dock the newly created toolbar on the left 

      Catch ex As System.Exception 
      End Try 
     End Sub 

     ' Component for generating the flyout for air conveyor, as well as buttons for each routine 
     Private Shared Sub flyoutForAirConveyor(ByVal toolbarIndex As Long) 
      ' Create an air conveyor toolbar 
      Dim str As String = "Air" 
      Dim tool As acOp.AcadToolbar = toolbars.Add(str & " Conveyor") 
      Dim titles(), commands(), descs() As String 

      titles = {"Straight", "Corner", "Elevation"} 
      commands = {"straight", "corner", "elevation"} 

      descs = {"Generates the straight sections for air conveyor applications. " & _ 
        "Allows for section dimensioning", 
        "Generates the curved sections and corners for air conveyor applications " & _ 
        "(in angles of 30, 45, 60, and 90 degrees). User also has the option of generating " & _ 
        "infinite curves (with legs or hangers) for the air conveyor corner", 
        "Generates the side and plan views of elevation changes for air conveyors. " & _ 
        "This is accomplished using infeed and discharge NRE, incline/decline angle or " & _ 
        "specified/picked distance, and infeed/discharge section lengths. This routine " & _ 
        "allows for section dimensioning (if generating ONLY plan view)"} 

      Dim button As acOp.AcadToolbarItem 
      For i As Long = 0 To titles.Length - 1 
       ' Add the button to temporary toolbar 
       button = tool.AddToolbarButton(i, str & " " & titles(i), _ 
       descs(i), ChrW(27) & ChrW(27) & "_ac" & commands(i) & vbLf, False) 

       ' Set the images for the button. cat.root is C:\catscript\ 
       button.SetBitmaps(cat.root & "AC " & titles(i) & ".bmp", _ 
            cat.root & "AC " & titles(i) & ".bmp") 

      'Create the Group flyout 
      flyout = toolbar.AddToolbarButton(toolbarIndex, _ 
       "Air Conveyor", "Groups the Air Conveyors", _ 
       ChrW(27) & ChrW(27) & "_acstraight" & vbLf, True) 
      flyout.SetBitmaps(cat.root & "AC Straight.bmp", cat.root & "AC Straight.bmp") 

      ' Attach the group toolbar to the flyout just created 
      flyout.AttachToolbarToFlyout(group.Name.ToString(), str & " Conveyor") 
      tool.Visible = False 
     End Sub 

     ' Component for generating the flyout for case conveyor, as well as buttons for each routine 
     Private Shared Sub flyoutForCaseConveyor(ByVal toolbarIndex As Long) 
      ' Create a case conveyor toolbar 
      Dim tool As acOp.AcadToolbar = toolbars.Add("Case Conveyor") 
      Dim titles(), commands(), descs() As String 

      titles = {"Straight", "Corner", "Turner", "Zero Pressure", "Elevation", "Combo"} 
      commands = {"straight", "corner", "turner", "zeropressure", "elevation", "combo"} 

      descs = {"Generates the straight sections for case conveyor applications. " & _ 
        "Sections generated are Straight Idler, Pass Through, Drive, and Stand Alone, " & _ 
        "using varying infeed and discharge styles. This routine allows " & _ 
        "for section dimensioning", 
        "Generates the curved sections and corners in case conveyor applications", 
        "Generates the Straight Stand-Alone, and Multiple Chain sections of case " & _ 
        "conveyor for product orientation change. This routine allows for section dimensioning", 
        "Generates straight sections of Zero-Pressure Accumulation in case " & _ 
        "conveyor applications. This routine allows for section dimensioning", 
        "Generates the side and plan views of elevation changes for case conveyors. " & _ 
        "This is accomplished using infeed and discharge TOC, incline/decline angle or " & _ 
        "specified/picked distance, and infeed/discharge section lengths. This routine " & _ 
        "allows for section dimensioning (if generating ONLY plan view)", _ 
        "Combines two or three case straight sections into one case straight section"} 

      ' Add the button to temporary toolbar 
      Dim button As acOp.AcadToolbarItem 
      For i As Long = 0 To titles.Length - 1 
       button = tool.AddToolbarButton(i, "Case " & titles(i), _ 
       descs(i), ChrW(27) & ChrW(27) & "_cc" & commands(i) & vbLf, False) 

       ' Set the images for the button 
       button.SetBitmaps(cat.root & "CC " & titles(i) & ".bmp", _ 
            cat.root & "CC " & titles(i) & ".bmp") 

      'Create the Group flyout 
      flyout = toolbar.AddToolbarButton(toolbarIndex, _ 
       "Case Conveyor", "Groups the Case conveyors", _ 
       ChrW(27) & ChrW(27) & "_ccstraight" & vbLf, True) 
      flyout.SetBitmaps(cat.root & "CC Straight.bmp", cat.root & "CC Straight.bmp") 

      ' Attach the group toolbar to the flyout just created 
      flyout.AttachToolbarToFlyout(group.Name.ToString(), "Case Conveyor") 
      tool.Visible = False 
     End Sub 

     ' Component for generating the flyout for table top, as well as buttons for each routine 
     Private Shared Sub flyoutForTableTop(ByVal toolbarIndex As Long) 
      ' Create a table top toolbar 
      Dim tool As acOp.AcadToolbar = toolbars.Add("Table Top") 
      Dim titles(), commands(), descs() As String 

      titles = {"Straight", "Corner", "Dynamic Transfer", "Parallel Transfer", _ 
         "Merge", "Divert", "Combiner", "Decel"} 
      commands = {"straight", "corner", "dynamic", "parallel", _ 
         "merge", "divert", "combiner", "decel"} 

      descs = {"Generates the straight sections for table top applications. " & _ 
        "Sections generated are Straight Idler, Pass Through, Drive, and " & _ 
        "Stand Alone. User has the option of specifying rail configuration, " & _ 
        "using varying infeed and discharge styles. This routine allows " & _ 
        "for section dimensioning", 
        "Generates the curved sections and corners in table top applications.", 
        "Generates the dynamic transfer sections in table top applications. " & _ 
        "User has the option of specifying rail configuration. " & _ 
        "This routine allows for section dimensioning", 
        "Generates the parallel transfers in table top applications. User has the " & _ 
        "option of specifying rail configuration. This routine allows for section dimensioning", 
        "Generates merge tables in table top applications. User has the option of " & _ 
        "specifying rail configuration. This routine allows for section dimensioning", 
        "Generates divert tables in table top applications. User has the option of " & _ 
        "specifying rail configuration. This routine allows for section dimensioning", 
        "Generates combiner tables in table top applications. " & _ 
        "This routine allows for section dimensioning", 
        "Generates deceleration tables in table top applications. " & _ 
        "This routine allows for section dimensioning"} 

      ' Generate the buttons 
      Dim button As acOp.AcadToolbarItem 

      For i As Long = 0 To titles.Length - 1 
       ' Add the button to temporary toolbar 
       button = tool.AddToolbarButton(i, "Table Top " & titles(i), _ 
       descs(i), ChrW(27) & ChrW(27) & "_tt" & commands(i) & vbLf, False) 
       ' Set the images for the button 
       button.SetBitmaps(cat.root & "TT " & titles(i) & ".bmp", _ 
            cat.root & "TT " & titles(i) & ".bmp") 

      'Create the Group flyout 
      flyout = toolbar.AddToolbarButton(toolbarIndex, _ 
       "Table Top Conveyor", "Groups the Table Top conveyors", _ 
       ChrW(27) & ChrW(27) & "_ttstraight" & vbLf, True) 
      flyout.SetBitmaps(cat.root & "TT Straight.bmp", cat.root & "TT Straight.bmp") 

      ' Attach the group toolbar to the flyout just created 
      flyout.AttachToolbarToFlyout(group.Name.ToString(), "Table Top") 
      tool.Visible = False 
     End Sub 
    End Class 
End Namespace 

該項目從ObjectARX中引用了最新的AutoCAD API的DLL

關於如何獲取此代碼以顯示這3個彈出窗口及其工具欄的任何想法? AutoCAD是否改變了在AutoCAD 2017 VS2015中生成展開和工具欄的方式? 如果是這樣,關於如何在程序啓動時自動加載我的彈出窗口和AutoCAD 2017中的工具欄?




此問題已解決。工具欄不會在每個AutoCAD會話中更改,因此會創建部分cui菜單文件。現在,通過一次性cuiload命令在AutoCAD 2017中成功加載工具欄和彈出窗口。

