如果你想生成和SOAPUI documentation可以使用如下參數HTML報告:
-f - Specifies the root directory, where the runner will save test result files. If the specified directory does not exist, it will be created.
-F Specifies the format of the exported reports. Usage: -F. Supported formats include PDF, XLS, HTML, RTF, CSV, TXT and XML. If the parameter is not specified, PDF is used. To export results in several formats, separate them with commas. For example, -FPDF,XML,CSV.
參數,你會得到後續的輸出中: org.apache.commons.cli.UnrecognizedOptionException: Unrecognized option: -FPDF
所以,你可以修改task executeSOAPUI
添加-f location
// execute SOAPUI
task executeSOAPUI(type: SoapUITask){
// simply pass the project path as argument,
// note that the extra " are needed
soapUIArgs = '-f "path/of/outputReports" -FHTML "/path/of/SOAPUI project xml/src/PCDEMO-soapui-project.xml"'
相反,如果您期待的Junit Html樣式報告您可以嘗試使用以下參數(該參數也僅適用於PRO版本):
-R - Specifies the type of the report data.
Usage: -R. Report type can be one of the following:
Project Report - Generates a report in the format that is specified by the -F argument. The runner will save the report files to the directory that the -f argument specifies. Depending on the -A argument value, the files can be organized into subdirectories.
TestSuite Report - As above, but for TestSuites.
TestCase Report - As above, but for TestCases.
JUnit-Style HTML Report - Generates a report as JUnit-style HTML files. See JUnit-Style HTML Reports. When this value is used, the runner ignores the -F and -A arguments.
Data Export - Generates XML files with report data. See Data Export. When you use this argument, -F must be XML or must not be specified.
Use the -f argument to specify the directory, where the runner will save generated report files.
// execute SOAPUI
task executeSOAPUI(type: SoapUITask){
// simply pass the project path as argument,
// note that the extra " are needed
soapUIArgs = '-f "path/of/outputReports" -R"JUnit-Style HTML Report" "/path/of/SOAPUI project xml/src/PCDEMO-soapui-project.xml"'
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