2012-04-02 77 views



# On branch master 
# Untracked files: 
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) 
# css/ 
# index.html 
# js/ 
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) 
usage: git branch [options] [-r | -a] [--merged | --no-merged] 
or: git branch [options] [-l] [-f] <branchname> [<start-point>] 
or: git branch [options] [-r] (-d | -D) <branchname> 
or: git branch [options] (-m | -M) [<oldbranch>] <newbranch> 

Generic options 
-v, --verbose   show hash and subject, give twice for upstream branch 
-t, --track   set up tracking mode (see git-pull(1)) 
--set-upstream  change upstream info 
--color[=<when>]  use colored output 
-r     act on remote-tracking branches 
--contains <commit> print only branches that contain the commit 
--abbrev[=<n>]  use <n> digits to display SHA-1s 

Specific git-branch actions: 
-a     list both remote-tracking and local branches 
-d     delete fully merged branch 
-D     delete branch (even if not merged) 
-m     move/rename a branch and its reflog 
-M     move/rename a branch, even if target exists 
-l     create the branch's reflog 
-f, --force   force creation (when already exists) 
--no-merged <commit> print only not merged branches 
--merged <commit>  print only merged branches 


編輯與來自混帳配置--get-regexp的 「別名」 輸出

alias.st status 
alias.ci commit 
alias.co checkout 
alias.br branch 
alias.l log --graph --pretty=format':%C(yellow)%h%Cblue%d%Creset %s %C(white) %an, %ar%Creset' 
alias.lol log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --graph --decorate 
alias.unstage reset HEAD 
alias.staged diff --cached 
alias.unstaged diff 
alias.current-branch !git symbolic-ref -q HEAD | sed -e 's|^refs/heads/||' 
alias.track checkout -t 

$ ps | grep $$ 
3406 ttys000 0:00.09 -bash 
3492 ttys000 0:00.00 grep 3406 

你看到這個任何時候你做一個git命令?聽起來像一個破碎的別名或別的東西。你能舉一個例子嗎? – 2012-04-02 01:31:06


@AbeVoelker - 我發佈了上面的輸出,我希望在終端中運行命令時隱藏選項。 – pertrai1 2012-04-02 09:05:07


你輸入的命令是什麼?它看起來像'git branch'的不正確用法。這可能來自一個糟糕的系統別名或git別名。請發佈這些命令的輸出:'alias'和'git config --get-regexp'alias。*「' – 2012-04-02 13:10:28


git status --short

(或git status -s)將顯示更短的狀態,類似於SVN的狀態顯示。


是的,但我的終端仍然顯示使用選項,通用選項和特定的git-branch操作。 – pertrai1 2012-04-02 01:22:22


我想我很困惑,你可以編輯上面的問題來指定你什麼時候看到什麼嗎?就像「當我輸入'git whatever'我看到'長時間沒用的東西'」 – bloy 2012-04-02 01:42:49